Par Time Duster

by Spiraler
created Jun 18, 2022
366 views | 151 downloads

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map notes
This map was created for the second Blind Relay Blitz, and it was publicly teased as "the tire map."

All the controls are shown somewhere in the map except I guess left and right being used to aim and control the camera but that should be relatively obvious. Since jump is the key used to shoot the ball the low-jump leaderboard should be where the best runs by golf score are organized (just don't press jump unnecessarily if you are going for that).

Thanks to Zaandaa for hosting BRB and allowing me to make a map for it! Thanks to all the other BRB mappers for playtesting and feedback. Thanks to Skyhawk for the layer control script.

The main script used in this map can be found on my github: as with all my scripts you are free to use it in your own map (most likely you will need to modify some things, if you want help with that dm me on discord).
Skyhawk's layer control script can be found here:
edited Jun 18, 2022


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