Adventure Prototype

by Submohr
created Nov 6, 2012
654 views | 772 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
so this map isn't SS-able.  it should theoretically be SA-able (i'm not good enough to do it but i've at least tested all the parts where a combo may run out and can chain it, so a better player could).  I don't think you can clear it without S'ing completion at least, unless i messed up somewhere.

the map itself is a proof of concept of a save function.  i already think i'll expand on it but the idea is to create a map where the goal isn't explicitly speeding through a level, but like... think mario 64.  except instead of stars you're collecting dust.  and you use that dust to 'fight bowser' (combo the end room).  this map isn't that map, but it has a pretty worthless save function at the least.  (of course not hard save, just an at-will checkpoint)

aesthetically it's a little boring.  it's a proof of concept so i'm not too worried about that.  i'm bad at cameras so i'll need to work on that a bit.  the difficulty is also spiky.  the lab area is dramatically harder than the other three (though i'm actually pretty happy with how lab turned out and may carbon copy it into another map later), and mansion/city are pretty lame since i made those after i decided this was a test run map anyways.  there's a proof of concept story at the end too.  just to be a little cute.

it occurs to me now that i don't communicate very well how to progress through the level - notably that you shouldn't go to the boss (center chute) until you have a full combo.  oh well.

tl;dr - the map isn't really about the gameplay so much as a mechanic you don't even use in the map itself.  if you want a fun map just play the lab quadrant and maybe forest.
retagged Nov 8, 2012


said Nov 6, 2012
Very cool map.
said Nov 6, 2012
SA took longer than expected, was fun though!
said Nov 6, 2012
it occurred to me watching your non-SA run that i probably should have put a checkpoint in the center of the 'nexus' so that you don't have to redo the last stage you did if you hit the spikes on the way to the 'boss.'  nice runs :)
edited Nov 6, 2012
said Nov 6, 2012
Just for the concept, this gets a thumbs up. Really neat idea, and I love the way you made the whole level work towards the "boss" (who gets a decent death, too!).
said Nov 6, 2012
1:34 Good enough :)
said Nov 6, 2012
ooh, this is a rad concept.
said Nov 7, 2012
Must try making something like this....
said Nov 7, 2012
i think a better idea than ending the level with a combo is making some sort of jump that requires a combo to pass - that way a level can actually have enemies (just put them between required combos so people can't get more than intended off of dust trails/combo being built from getting hit), and it feels like there's progression (i feel like otherwise the level feels too... sideways.  i don't know.  doesn't feel like you go anywhere till you have your full combo and finish it the level - not as satisfying as it could be)

i'd be interested in seeing what other people would do similarly to this.  i have a few ideas i'll probably put out in the next week or so when i figure out cameras and whatnot.
said Nov 7, 2012
I really like using the combo to get to the "boss" idea.  I've been building the different areas as if each were their own individual level with the "end" being a room with a bunch of creatures to destroy.

I wanted to ensure that a player didn't have a combo when they return to the central area to save so just before each room I put a set of apples (34 apples wut?) to force the combo meter to max out and then have the creatures unable to be destroyed without it.  Thus if a player wants to get SS they have to use the combo there.
Then I put just enough dust in the return path to get back up without loosing the combo.  I'm hoping to get it so that no matter the order of the areas finished the player will have a combo at just the right size to get a super attack just as they reach the boss.

I'm also trying to design each area to have varying difficulty.  For instance, the lab will be really long (1:30 min to 2:00 min with uninterrupted flow) but easy to get through, the basement (city tiles) will be shorter but harder (about medium difficulty), and the backyard will be hard to get through (I'm hoping anyway).  I'm gonna stick to just three areas so that creating variable difficulty will be easier (how does one split difficulty into fours easily?).

The camera has been really hard to get right, especially in the central area.  Sometimes when I'm testing it out and come back to the central area, the camera won't follow me up into the boss area.  From this I've figured that the central area should probably be bigger than I have it.

tl;dr?  I'm having a lot of fun trying to make a level that follows this concept.  It's quite challenging, but I feel very worthwhile and I'm learning quite a lot.
said Nov 7, 2012
i'm not sure i'd even worry about the finesse rating when designing this sort of level.  i basically only let SA be possible on this map as an afterthought.  I almost like the idea of SD being best possible score, so that 100% runs are compared solely on time - I'm thinking super mario 64 speedruns, comparing players not by their routes but just by raw time.  i haven't actually started making the level yet though so ionno exactly what i'll do.  looking forward to yours though!
said Nov 7, 2012
Mansion and forest parts are beautiful :)
said Nov 7, 2012
i liked the gameplay of forest but could have spent more time making it look good, i just threw a fog trigger up.  mansion was boring to play i think but i did like how it looked.  thanks!
said Nov 7, 2012
Super Administrator
Awesome concept!
Also, Marfinator's run is hilarious at the end.
said Nov 7, 2012
I got the secret ending.
said Nov 7, 2012
aha :P i hadn't quite figured out cameras yet.  nice run :)
Gulpy Blinkeyes
said Nov 7, 2012
I love this.  Seeing this proof of concept fleshed out into something even bigger and better would be really great (though I thought it was a lot of fun just as it was)!  It's exciting imagining some of the possibilities for maps made with this mindset.
Probably not Towelie
said Dec 5, 2012
Humph, finally happy with my run haha
said Jun 26, 2023
Thanks for creating levels that surprise me.

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