Expert Minesweeper

by msg555
created Oct 9, 2021
367 views | 598 downloads

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map notes
This is an 16x30 grid with 99 mines hidden in the grid.

Find all the mines in the grid by carefully revealing cells. A revealed cell will indicate the number of adjacent mines (horizontally, vertically, or diaganally). Cells with no adjacent mines will be blank and automatically reveal its neighbors. Revealing a mine will cause you to lose the game. Revealing all non-mine cells will win the game.

Right click on a cell to "flag" it as a potential mine location. Right click again to remove the flag.

Left click on an unrevealed, unflagged cell to reveal it.

If the number of flags adjacent to a revealed cell equals the number on the cell you may left click or middle click the cell to reveal all of its unflagged neighbors.

edited Oct 9, 2021


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