
by jdude0822
created Apr 8, 2021
432 views | 389 downloads

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map notes
This map was supposed to be for the Halloween cmr in 2020... Got a bit distracted :)
Mega special thanks to Eponn for the art. Pretty sure I have destroyed their work multiple time over the creation of the map. The ideas for the map were MUCH more ambitious when first starting out, but after working around 50 or 60 hours on just the level's script and getting next to nowhere near what I wanted, I kinda gave up so hope it still is good enough.

Thanks to Skyhawk for the layer script and being CMR man
Thanks to C for other various scripts
Thanks to Angrevol for playtesting
Thanks to Delotrix for advice and playtesting a bit
Thanks to Calistus for proofreading some stuff (I didnt give him all text to proofread, so if you see an error it very likely is my bad)
Thanks to codeforce as well for basically carrying me
edited Apr 10, 2021


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