fight till death

by takeshi
created Dec 5, 2020
273 views | 249 downloads

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said Dec 5, 2020
Hey Takeshi! Nice to see a new mapmaker.

Looks like you're having a bit of trouble using the red ending-flag. The way it's meant to work is that you can place some enemies near-by, then place a red flag, **Hold Shift, and click the enemies**. It should draw a red line from the flag to the enemy to show that they're connected.

If you're uploading fixes to a map, it's also common practice to delete the older versions.

Good luck with mapmaking! If you're interested in talking more about stuff, consider joining our discord!
said Dec 6, 2020
OMG !!!!! thx and i need only to know how to fix the problem that its when u felt down u will never come back only if u restar and tell me more how to do checkpoint and thank thank u for 1000 time
said Dec 7, 2020
You're welcome! It's easier to chat in the discord, but I can try to explain things here.

To prevent people from falling forever, you want to use Death Zones. it's the skull near the bottom of the entities tab. Select that, then click and drag a rectangle in your map. If the player passes through that rectangle, they will die, and respawn at their last checkpoint

For checkpoints, select the Blue flag in the entity list (*not* the purple flag), then place it down, *Hold Shift, and click and drag an area*. it'll appear like a kind of transparent white area. When the player passes through that area then dies, they'll respawn at the flag location.

Hopefully that explanation makes sense! good luck with the maps!

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