
by Alexspeedy
created Sep 5, 2020
517 views | 422 downloads

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map notes
Dustforce 2020 Summer Map Competition Submission

Phewie, this is probably the fastest I've ever made a map - started and finished in one day! I was not planning to submit anything to this competition, but with an all-nighter anything is possible.

Good luck to everyone else who submitted a map to the competition and I look forward to playing all your maps!


said Sep 5, 2020
the chameleon has perfect comedic timing
said Sep 12, 2020
This honestly is impressive for a one day map.  It was fun to play, well designed, and the chameleon stuff was so good.  REALLY liked this one. The visual design of the spike block platforms vs the safe ones was really good.  Made knowing what was dangerous completely unquestionable.  Really glad you took time to quickly throw this together for the competition.

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