
member for 1 year

Location: Bang Ka Noon, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi, 11130 Thailand
Steam profile: not set
About: Green Boog is a tropical botanical garden in Thailand that provides an immersive and educational experience for visitors of all ages.
Our mission is to promote the conservation of plant life and biodiversity, as well as to educate people about the importance of plants in our lives.
Green Boog offers visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the ecology and history of tropical plants, as well as their medicinal and culinary uses.
We also provide hands-on workshops on gardening, horticulture, and sustainable living.
Our vision is to create a world where people appreciate and understand the vital role that plants play in our lives. #GreenBoog, #TissueculturephilodendronGreenBoog, #Botgarden
Bang Ka Noon, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi, 11130 Thailand
Tel : 084375096626