Target Test

by Alexspeedy
created Jul 29, 2020
499 views | 399 downloads

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map notes
I have never played melee :)

Cheers Angrevol for the inspiration and massive thanks to Delo for help with the visuals!
edited Aug 1, 2020


said Aug 1, 2020
Really liked the finishing touch you added since I had my hands on it. Cool map.
said Aug 4, 2020
Super fun map.  Was one of multiple moments that made cmr 58 really cool that you directly were involved with.  Really cool how you adjusted the targets to not spread dust to emulate break the targets, and how you got moving platforms to work (which is nuts).  I feel like all break the target stages would be mega cool.  Not sure how re-usable the scripts here are, but I  might take a crack at it at some point if thats alright.  Thanks for the cool map!
said Aug 5, 2020
Thank you for the lovely feedback! Making the other stages sounds like a really cool idea. The scripts should be re-usable, but let me know if you need any help setting them up.

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