another gimmick

by Maddy_
created Jul 17, 2020
527 views | 443 downloads

/ 3 votes

/ 1 vote

map notes
I didn't look at the time when I started


said Jul 17, 2020
freaking hate tehse piece of trash gimmick maps. no fun at all.
said Jul 17, 2020
Dont play them then.  idk why you feel the need to go to all of Maddy's maps and comment this when you clearly do not like to play them.  It's not going to make them stop posting them, and only make you seem like a jerk.  Maybe YOU should post something good instead of complaining for people to feed you content you like.  Seriously, please just stop.
said Jul 18, 2020
freaking hate tehse piece of trash comments. no constructive at all.
Dawn to Dusk
said Jul 18, 2020
freaking love these piece of gold gimmick maps. very much fun
said Jul 18, 2020
Just play them then.  idk why you feel the need to go to all of Maddy's maps and comment this when you clearly like to play them.  It's not going to make them post more of them, and only make you seem like a cool dude.  Maybe YOU should post something bad instead of praising for people to feed you content you like.  Seriously, please continue.
said Jul 18, 2020
freaking love these piece of gold comments. very much fun
said Jul 18, 2020
Holy crap this is incredible
said Jul 18, 2020
cant see shit

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