
by krackocloud
created Sep 21, 2012
527 views | 705 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
Not much to say here! Just a good chunk of spikes and falls in this map.

Only playtested with Dustman.

Too hard? Try the easier version!
retagged Nov 10, 2012


said Sep 21, 2012
I see you've taken the existence of Yotta difficult as a challenge to mapmakers, good sir.
said Sep 21, 2012
If it was anything like Yotta I wouldn't be able to playtest it :U
said Sep 21, 2012
Man this is hard lol. Will finish it though!
said Sep 21, 2012
Man those enemies right at the end are such trolls haha.
said Sep 21, 2012
Man, I hate this level...  You might want to take that as a compliment, though :)

SC! I think that's my limit!

Edit:  :D
edited Sep 21, 2012
said Sep 22, 2012
Oh man! Congratulations!
said Sep 22, 2012
I usually shy away from levels like this, but a couple of Budweisers put my determination level through the roof!
said Sep 21, 2012
Super Administrator
Aw man I finally beat it but the leaderboards were down :(
Not that I had a good score or anything (14 mins)
said Sep 21, 2012
this level is too hard plz nerf ty

on a more serious note, I found a funny dustkid route that involves a necessary spike walk.  And i'm also pretty certain that this map isn't SS-able with dustkid or dustworth, there are just way too many perfect max-range/max-height dustman jumps that both of them can't do.
edited Sep 21, 2012
said Sep 22, 2012
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Dustman-only, to be honest.
I'll probably make a revised version in the future.
said Sep 22, 2012
you can't even start the map as dustworth, you can't make the very first jump.
you could of made a dustforce route if one of the gargoyles was slighly lower, but sadly it isnt :( You can get a pretty neat any% route with dustkid though =D
edited Sep 22, 2012
said Sep 22, 2012
it took me about 15 minutes to beat the map for the first time..
very confuse, i had to watch a replay to know how to beat it...
5 Stars difficult
said Sep 22, 2012
Its hideout all over again. Not but srsly very nicely designed map.
said Aug 24, 2013
I know this is nearly 1 year old but i got the 2nd ss! :D

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