Void Temple

by Mattermonkey
created Apr 20, 2018
452 views | 224956 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 1 vote

map notes
I used scripts to make a brand new, hopefully thematic and interesting, obstacle, and then filled a temple with it.

Made for CMR 54.

Script [here] (https://pastebin.com/nevYa0JK), in case anyone cares.
edited Apr 21, 2018


Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 21, 2018
Such a cool idea and script.  I feel like unfortunately the art was kinda squandered by doing NOTHING on layer 19 except generic 1 tile repeating for infinity.  So much could be done with just a few more tile types, and some oozy emitters or props around the blackness.  Like so many other script maps, this looks more like a tech demo than a finished product: and I can't help but feel disappointed.  With a bit more time and polish this could have been something really great.
said Apr 21, 2018
I was really fascinated with the blackness chasing me when I was going through the level.  It's pretty awesome.
said Apr 22, 2018
Super Administrator
Shin does make some good points.
Still a great map though and the void reaching towards you was really awesome. I especially liked how tight it was if you squeezed up the right side at the end.

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