Good Morning

by jdude0822
created Mar 2, 2018
421 views | 1933 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
DUSTMOD MAP (Be absolutely sure to be on latest version, or my script will work even less than it does now.)
A quick forest combat-y map that should be relatively easy.  Just wanted to make a forest map really. Also, I've had this super crappy moving cloud script sitting in my stuff for so long, I though I might as well use it.  I highly recommend not using it though, as it is

1) Jank AF (I'm serious)
2) Kind of buggy

If someone wants the code to fix it / laugh at my stuff, let me know.

Anyway, special thanks to:

Tempest: Testing
Firestorm: Testing
Indapop: Ideas for camera / other things
C: For their propwind script.  I absolutely love it.
msg: Releasing a new version of dustmod that lets my script work actually, and helping me along with my script
skyhawk, avenged, and whoever else helped in codeforce

Also, yes, I ripped the fog trigger from fields, sue me.
edited Mar 2, 2018


said Mar 3, 2018
said Mar 3, 2018
said Oct 26, 2022
daily hi

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