king cookie faced

by fishmcmuffins
created Feb 5, 2018
363 views | 559 downloads

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map notes
been a minute.  part 1 of maybe several maps centralizing around really obscure and weird tech.  keepin em short.

maybe next time i'll get someone to do art because im seriously atrocious at it i mean jesus christ

(dustkid only.  solution requires 0 frame perfect or pixel perfect movements; the correct solution is very consistent with practice.)


said Feb 5, 2018
I don't get the upper right corner, but I'm also grappling with the fact that dustkid is weird as all hell.
said Feb 5, 2018
Yeah ok, it's just that I don't know how to count with two air charges...
said Feb 12, 2018
Super Administrator
I wasn't smart enough to figure it out myself, but it was still fun.
And even though the art was simple, the colour choice did make it look good.

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