Gentlemens Club II

by indapop
created Mar 5, 2016
540 views | 3673 downloads

/ 22 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
Short challenge map for the CMR. Possible with all characters, but the girls will be significantly harder.

This map requires mapler slides for all characters. (for the intended routes)
edited Mar 5, 2016


said Mar 5, 2016
Who the heck would approve this
said Mar 5, 2016
Well technically no one did because i just uploaded this before the race :^)
kill the dustbinary
said Mar 5, 2016
i love it! wouldn't mind seeing a CMR with a bunch of maps like this in the future.
said Mar 5, 2016
I dig the map, but yeah the "theme" of the CMR was 'easy maps that everyone can complete in a jiffy', which this is kind of out of place for.

It did make me place significantly better than I would have otherwise since I got stuck on this for a much shorter time than a good bunch of people, so hey thanks I guess :P
said Mar 5, 2016
you should have abandoned this project and played league with me yesterday
said Mar 8, 2016
like the map, definitely too hard for a CMR though :( too difficult + gimmicky for a race

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