
by Tinker
created May 11, 2012
1702 views | 2228 downloads

/ 45 votes

/ 31 votes

map notes
My second map, enjoy. Possibly on some mountain with ruins of some ancient civilization? Don't ask me, I'm not an archaeologist (ask an archaeologist instead)! And there's leaves scattered so you can clean them up. How do the leaves get in caves you ask? Photosynthesising rocks.
edited May 23, 2012


said May 11, 2012
So much fun :)
said May 11, 2012
Dem tags.
said May 11, 2012
felt like playing an map from the original campaign. Really liked it.

EDIT: stop beating my time D:
edited May 11, 2012
said May 12, 2012
said May 11, 2012
really liked the map :)
said May 11, 2012
Heaps of fun, can't find any faults. Welldone!
said May 12, 2012
Oh yeah there's a few secrets for those of you who like that
edited May 12, 2012
said May 13, 2012
I cant get to the secret :) any tips?
said May 13, 2012
There's one up high, and one down low.
said May 13, 2012
Really, really beautiful!!
said May 13, 2012
Ok, here we go:

First of all: The map looks quite nice. Good GFX-work here. (Has nothing to do with the map of course, just wanted to say that.)
I don't really got the start at the first time, some parts are distracting.

Usually I love slope-boosts. In this map they aren't built that good.
First one is fine, too bad that you have to break up the boost.
The second one is really annoying. I hate it when you get punished by being too fast. Plus in the Time-Run you usually can't see anything of the dusk you have to hang on.
The third one actually is that short that I won't count it.
And the last one is pretty nice, the landing-area is kind of strange though.

The Score-Run is OK all in all.
The Time-Run (especially the cut) is meh. :/

BTW: I already know this bug causing me not being able to dash sometimes. In this map that happens way more often than on any other map. No idea why...
said May 14, 2012
Very very fun map!
said May 19, 2012
Hey, this. This is terrific.
said May 22, 2012
I love how this map feels like summit, one of the coolest forest levels.  Excellent job.
said Jun 12, 2012
This map has really impressive visual appeal. I love it! Inspired me to make and submit one of my own. Really nice job. This my favorite custom map yet.
said Oct 13, 2012
I had a lot of fun playing this map and it took me more than one try to SS. Nice aesthetics and a good flow, so overall and amazing map. I hope to see more by you.

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