Hyrule Temple

by Meark
created Aug 6, 2015
748 views | 895 downloads

/ 28 votes

/ 15 votes

map notes
Another break the target smash level. Hope you guys enjoy. :D
Intended Music: [x]


said Aug 6, 2015
said Aug 6, 2015
Yes? o_o
said Aug 6, 2015
its so pretty
said Aug 6, 2015
Ah Thank you. :D Took all day but it was worth it.
said Aug 6, 2015
I don't really like the way the prisms look on this map, but other than that it looks really great.
said Aug 6, 2015
Yeah me neither, but I had prisms on all my other smash maps so I decided to stick with it.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 6, 2015
You just had  to upload right after mine didn't ya, tryin to get me swept under the rug? On a more serious note this map is absolutely beautiful but the prisms are kinda weird. Figured that leaves would be a better fit and stuff.
said Aug 6, 2015
Hahah I promise I wasn't. xD
Also read above comment for the choice of prisms.
said Aug 6, 2015
shury where is yours
said Aug 6, 2015
When I first played this, I was trying to get through the ceilings from below XD
Awesome use of the fence prop !
said Aug 6, 2015
I had the urge to try to jump through them too, but then I remembered this was a different game hahah.
said Aug 6, 2015
i tried the same thing :P
said Aug 6, 2015
1: saw map
2: got boner
3: ???
4: rated 5/5
said Aug 6, 2015
Trying to go underneath the stage without an Up+B is really hard :(
Luke's Cat
said Aug 6, 2015
Tried to drop through roofs like 3 times.
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 6, 2015
I like, don't even know what to say.  wait, yes I do.  Atlas doesn't deserve maps this good.  It doesn't deserve a hero of Meark's caliber.  We need a new site to enshrine Meark's maps, free of trolls and hate.  Also, Meark think you can do a Subspace Emmissary stage from Brawl?
said Aug 6, 2015
Hahah which stage from Subspace???
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 7, 2015
Any.  I figured YOU would have a favorite.  I think part of the Pit/Mario through-the-clouds stages would be best though.

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