
by parangaah
created May 9, 2012
427 views | 732 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
I uploaded it again to fix some bugs, hope it works fine now :)

if you downloaded the old version, guess you know what to do right?

theres a secret on this level, hope you all enjoy :)


said May 9, 2012
There we go! No problems this time.  Also, really neat secret, I definitely want to do something similar when I get around to making some levels :)
said May 9, 2012
hurray!! did you see the God's face? very wise one!
said May 9, 2012
Yeah, it was very cool being in two parts like that.  I thought I might have done it wrong because it takes so long to fall, but that makes it even better when you finally get there.  Very creative!
said May 11, 2012
i'm glad you liked rly!!!  i love the arriving surprise, happens so fast :D so thought would be cool to do it as a God "dang!! here I am!"
said May 9, 2012
A good map, though I think some improvements could be made to make it feel more intuitive.
said May 9, 2012
thanks for your feedback sir! perhaps what you mean by intuitive???? thanks again
said May 11, 2012
Hi, sorry I not get to reply sooner. By that I meant sometimes I was unsure where to go at first, some of the checkpoints felt a bit unnecessary or slightly too high, there was one bird that I think was out of range of super attack that I think could have been closer and the final cliff face and ledge I at first was unsure the surface face.

Apart from that though I did enjoy the challenge once I played it a bit and learned the feel and once you knew of what was what. I simply meant some was unclear at first. I hope I don't seem to complain too much though since I'm an amateur haha.
said May 13, 2012
watching some replays I understand you about being unsure where to go, specially at top-right corner which some ppl would think that we have to go left between spikes, and close to the end (at the slide down surface), here is a complete mess... about the birds position, I ran with all characters to make sure its possible, even if its a bit hard (cuz training with the editor tool makes things way easier).. so yea, thanks for your report! please i'm about never get you wrong, so feel free to say anything you thought about my levels as i would do the same for the best purpose aways, thanks!
said May 9, 2012
Cool level.  Felt pretty intuitive to me
said May 11, 2012
thanks, nice! well if the runner is up to SS i think that is kinda intuitive, yes
said May 9, 2012
Super Administrator
The secret is sooo cool
said May 11, 2012
lifeformed likes the secret, hurray! thank you!!
said May 10, 2012
I saw God the other day
said May 11, 2012
lol tell your friends man they got to see that

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