Dustless Realm

by videohead
created Mar 31, 2015
563 views | 725 downloads

/ 21 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
I think this is finally done. It is an exploration based map similar to Towlie's Exploration.
I have been working on it for a couple of weeks when I was feeling down. The visuals were lifted from (oops I mean inspired by) various other maps, mainly those by Dustcreep.

Like the little forest man at the beginning says, hitting one of the shrines will end the level. There are 9 in total I think.
Have fun! If you found the monastery where it becomes nighttime, I am proud of you.


Probably not Towelie
said Mar 31, 2015
Love it.

Edit: There is a spot though that you can fall out of the map forever right at the first drop to the right of the start.
Edit#2: I do believe in aliens.
edited Mar 31, 2015
said Mar 31, 2015
You can be proud of me now :)
The UFO is very cool too, great work!
said Mar 31, 2015
I completed the quest, but didn't get any XP or loot. :( http://i.imgur.com/gdl31U3.png
said Mar 31, 2015
Whoa.. this is awesome :O

Edit: It keeps going...
Edit2: Finally made it to the night one. Only took 7 minutes of trying
edited Mar 31, 2015
said Apr 1, 2015
spent like 30 minutes as dustworth finding what i hope is all of the secrets then i spent another 30 playing it as a dustgirl boosty map. so much you can do with this stage i love it.

Edit:can i bring the apple from the right of the map to the left and apple adventure to the left of the map or will that be a waste of like 3 hours of my life?
said Apr 1, 2015
I actually added an easter egg where if you bring the apple back to where you start, Half Life 3 gets released.
Glad you like the map!
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 1, 2015
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 2, 2015
I kinda want to make an exploration map now after playing 3 that I really liked, but I think I want to do it in a huge expansive Lab.  Everyone seems to make them outdoors.  Any advice?
said Apr 2, 2015
You could make some dome-ish visuals! Like an arboretum.
said Apr 3, 2015
do it in a sort of space station type place

or even better you could make it like the player character is tripping on hallucinogens and needs to explore his own psyche to get out of the trip. this would give you free reign, almost, aesthetically
said Apr 2, 2015
Maybe different sections, a bit like the stock maps, just all in one.
So there would be a power supply room, a biological research center, an area for the chemical waste,  some abandoned/overgrown places, etc.
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 3, 2015
I started Shinfinity Labs.  I have a ton of ideas and it wont be finished for at least a week, if not more like a month.  But I did get my CMR map ducks in a row.
said Apr 3, 2015
needs more duck maps and less map ducks

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