Radiant Rise

by MyFaceYourFace
created Mar 26, 2015
410 views | 681 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
I changed the colors to be darker. Other than that, it's the same level.

For some reason I didn't mind the bright colors. But this should be better if they hurt your eyes before.

Now dust might be still a bit difficult to see, I chose virtual dust because it floats far out from its original location. Thus making it easier to spot.


said Mar 27, 2015
It's still impossible to see the dust on the surfaces, sadly. Definitely more playable than before though.
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 27, 2015
To make dust on a virtual map easy to see but still have full color control over it, you have to use a layer of a different color behind layer 19 (my map Shincompetence), or put layer 20 of a different color over it (collab map Crystallised).  It's hard for me to link the maps posting from my shitty phone, but just search for the names.  I'm somewhat of an expert at making visible dust on virtual maps.  You can open these in the editor and turn off layers one at a time to see how it works.
said Mar 27, 2015
I didnt mind the original colors at all, but I do like this color scheme better.
said Mar 27, 2015
Really fun map once i learned where the dust was. Amazing to route!
said Mar 28, 2015
Very nice map and fun to play! The only thing that I don't like very much it's the final "tunnel", a bit tight. Btw nice job!
said Mar 31, 2015
You have a really cool style of map making, keep it up. Just be sure not to place deathzones too tightly around the playing field.

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