Waterfall Ruins

by Meark
created Feb 22, 2015
1475 views | 899 downloads

/ 33 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
Dustforce in 3D! This map is a continuation of Bramble Falls and was inspired by Hyper Light Drifter [x]. Sorry for not uploading Orionae VI. I'm at a loss of how I want the level to be so It'll be on the back burner along with another map called Hyades Aldebaran. They will probably be in another map pack of some sorts. Hope you enjoy!

Intended Song: [x]


said Feb 22, 2015
Just give a quick look to the map so maybe I'm wrong (I can't play them properly but I couldn't wait to see your new maps :D)... but  the contrast seems to me a bit low. If the layers 17,12,13 are darker (or lighter) I think it could be better

Btw the map is amazing :O and the 3d effect is so well made! Unbelievable!
edited Feb 22, 2015
Luke's Cat
said Feb 22, 2015
Looks really tight! Just a little hard to tell what is able to be walked on.
said Feb 22, 2015
map's really pretty but it's confusing to spot at first glance tiles with collision.
said Feb 22, 2015
Sorry bout the confusion of layers. Making a 3D level was hard to make and to make it look pretty. I'm sure my 3D lighting is off.
said Feb 22, 2015
very pretty but the 3D messed with my head and i couldn't play the level properly T_T
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 22, 2015
The 3D effect works well on the brick tiles, but the weird railing stuff behind it confuses the hell out of me.  I don't think I can see this map the way the rest of you do.  It just confuses me.
said Feb 22, 2015
what shin said. Hardly playable for me because of the visuals. I'm sure it would be great if I was able to distinguish tiles.

EDIT: Found a way around it. I can play the level If I entirely focus on the dust as my route.
edited Feb 22, 2015
said Feb 22, 2015
This is worse for my head than Final Mental Interface. x_x
said Feb 23, 2015
This looks freaking fantastic. Love it.
After a while I had no problems with visually spotting where I could and couldn't stand.
said Feb 23, 2015
hope to see more levels with this style :3

Btw this map reminds me the Water Palace of Monument Valley...a level based on that would be cool!
said Feb 23, 2015
I had to look around for a bit to see how the visuals worked, but once you get it, it's pretty easy. Very cool.
said Feb 24, 2015
Extremely nice to look at, but unfortunately, it's very frustrating to play because of how confusing all of the surfaces are.

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