City Parkour

by Meiya
created Dec 10, 2014
760 views | 723 downloads

/ 23 votes

/ 21 votes

map notes
Fixed checkpoint

Ok this time you can do this map with every characters! You will be given 2 supers throughout the map. The only entity is at the end (hence parkour).

No spike-jumps required. The map was initially designed for him only.

Probably easiest one. Spike-jumps required.

Dustman & Dustgirl
2 spike-jumps more required (compared to Duskid)

Last map I made, people were not happy not being able to get a good time with characters that are not Dustkid so I changed some details after the initial idea, hence the spike-jumps (sorry I hate it too). Some jumps required almost pixel perfect timing but I had to remove a few spikes because Dustman & Dustgirl couldn't progress at some point.


said Dec 10, 2014
How do you do the big jump on the cone section? I can never get far enough
said Dec 10, 2014
Found out how. Sikejump without pressing down
said Dec 10, 2014
said Dec 10, 2014
This seems impossible with dustgirl.
said Dec 10, 2014
said Dec 11, 2014
said May 11, 2016
said Dec 10, 2014
First to finish! Cool and challenging map! I feel like the last obstacle was a little bit too tight though.

I wonder who will get the first SS :p

I take that back. I just played through the map again and the last one is no way near as bad as I thought.
said Dec 10, 2014
Thanks for playing! The last obstacle might be too random. I'm not good enough to know tbh
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 10, 2014
You can do the map testing thing as you work on it with people in Dustforce IRC.  Or you can just keep making these good maps and improve just from watching the replays and reading the comments.
said Dec 10, 2014
im a dirty hacker Keepo
said Dec 10, 2014
I got to the part with the slime and then my computer crashed.
said Dec 10, 2014
Syena SS? I think not...

That final stalactite is sooo annoying.
said Dec 10, 2014
there whiner i got a real SS
said Dec 10, 2014
I just got a legitimate SA (1 death) I am upset.
said Dec 10, 2014
shouldnt use hard strats for that part watch my replay for super safe 100% strat
said Dec 10, 2014
Huh that's way easier thanks!
said Dec 10, 2014
I was pissed I couldn't dash through those spikes in the beggining so I was checking on the replays how they did it then found out that the stage is not even getting hard at that point
said Dec 10, 2014
The real challenge is SS-ing the map with dustworth without spike jumping.
said Dec 11, 2014
I'd say the hardest parts are the ones without spikes to jump, anyway.
said Dec 10, 2014
that difficulty rating lol. clearly a medium map
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 10, 2014
It's very medium.
said Dec 10, 2014
fun map!
said Dec 10, 2014
Fun for a playthrough.  I like the bits and pieces but I won't be SSing the map :3
Last Hope
said Dec 10, 2014
It's too hard for me :(
said Dec 11, 2014
I have a fake SS, but I'm not going to play this again. It got extremely annoying when I landed on a spot and I wanted to move just a little bit to have better chances to survive, but the game isn't particularly good at that.
It wasn't the most annoying thing I've seen, but I'd like to see more challenges working WITH the game, rather than trying to crippling it for its flaws.
I'm pretty sure you can come up with a challenge truly satisfying.
said Dec 11, 2014
wait so in DX, if you die once despite getting no dust you get an SA? i thought that was only for getting hit by enemies?
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 11, 2014
I guess they fixed it for both.  This would make SuperBear now impossible to SS, and destroy all deathwarp maps.
said Jun 20, 2023
Your talent in creating levels is extraordinary. A big thank you!

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