Waste Management

by telephonecall
created Nov 15, 2014
294 views | 503 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 2 votes

medium labs

map notes
My first full map


said Nov 15, 2014
Pretty sweet map, good use of dustblocks and decent flow.

The final bit over the pit with the flying slime has a slope in the end that forces you to go slow or you land in spikes. Don't do that - it's counterintuitive to slow down. Also, you fall right into a slime bucket at the end which can hit you if you're unlucky and ruin your run. Other than that, good stuff.
said Nov 15, 2014
The slime bucket isn't the worst since you should be using your super before you hit it. But yeah your other points are good.
said Nov 15, 2014
But only if you know that the bucket coming, for your first run, you'd probably fall to the floor and get hit.
Shin Rekkoha
said Nov 15, 2014
It's a pretty good map.  None of the layout had major problems, but I agree with Tinker about that one part forcing you to go slow.  My advice is that you add more constrast between layer 19 and the first background layer.  It's okay if your various background layers are hard to tell apart from one another... but it's bad if ANY of them can be mistaken for foreground.  Right at the beginning, where you go left: it looks exactly like a solid object and you walk through it.  I'm not talking about the Layer 20 either, everything there looks like one connected foreground object.
Shin Rekkoha
said Nov 15, 2014
Make sure you put all your checkpoints on the ground next time.  Restarting in the air is a huge problem and quite annoying.

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