
by huhuhuhuh
created Sep 28, 2014
474 views | 559 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 5 votes


map notes
my first one. tested it and there shouldn’t be any annoying bugs. check it out!


said Sep 28, 2014
I can't seem to get S completion. :(
said Sep 28, 2014
It’s possible afaik! Just had a look at the high scores and there seems to be someone who made it.
said Sep 28, 2014
oh excuse me, I looked at the high scores of the wrong level. I’ll have a look in the next days. Strange…
said Sep 28, 2014
there's a lot that could be said about this, but i don't think that it is quite what you want to hear, so i'll just say that it looks pretty but you have a long way to go for your next maps, take a look at some others and ask around, i'm sure most people are more than willing to help you in any way you need! Can't wait to see your next maps get better and better
said Sep 29, 2014
ok who the FUCK are you and how did you get Africans atlas account?
said Sep 29, 2014
this maps a labyrinthine mess
said Sep 29, 2014
Hi :) I think this would help you out It helped me out a lot when making maps :3
said Sep 29, 2014
Yeah man, good on you for taking the time to try to make a map, but this map is an unapproachable mess of Not Good Things. Take the time to generate some real flow, shorten it down considerably, and don't make it such a chore to play.
said Sep 29, 2014
I'll +1 that. You shouldnt be making atlas maps if you cant be bothered to see what atlas maps should look like. They shouldnt be 4 minutes long and un-SSable. >>
said Sep 29, 2014
I view flow as being able to draw a line through the whole level, it can have branching loops but no dead ends.
Here's your map marked up like this I've circled the offending branches.
Also having large areas that you need to leave dust so you can backtrack can in theory be interesting but usually ends up irritating.
said Sep 29, 2014
This map is impossible to get S/S on because you put Big Totems inside of leaf dustblocks. This causes them to fall through the world, because dustblocks are considered collision tiles just like regular tiles.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 29, 2014
I am not a nice person.  This map's got awful decision making through and through, and I kindly suggest playing more of the game and more custom maps before making another one.  That way, you have an idea of what works and what doesn't work.  Like, I honestly was frustrated the entire time and just asking why.
said Sep 29, 2014
hey boys and girls, i did this for fun and i’m not a experienced gamer. i have to admit i didn't look at one custom level yet. thanks for all the help and suggestions!! gonna delete this level tomorrow to save pain for other players.
said Sep 29, 2014
don't delete levels, however bad they may be, once you've left them up for more than an hour. people grind times on them and don't like to see their hard work vanish.

this wasn't the best of maps but there are some things you did correctly; the rest you can focus on fixing in your next map.

remember that people are always available in the IRC (visit the "forums" link above and a link to the IRC will be in the sidebar) to test your maps for you.
said Jun 28, 2018
ez SS

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