Actually for Shury

by DoughNation
created Sep 24, 2014
574 views | 706 downloads

/ 21 votes

/ 7 votes


map notes
Because shury requested another hard map, here it is!

This level is actually quite easy if taken slowly; however, going fast complicates things quickly.

Be sure to have checkpoints turned on
edited Nov 9, 2016


said Sep 24, 2014
You're the worst.
said Sep 24, 2014
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your map gave me cancer anyway.
said Sep 24, 2014
Dough I take it back, you are no longer the worst.
said Sep 24, 2014
This copy pasta is the best.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 24, 2014
said Sep 24, 2014
eklipz is 28!?
said Sep 24, 2014
This reminds of a curator I once spoke to at an aviation museum. "It's a pity," he remarked to his coworker, "I remember back when smoking wasn't 'evil'." This was after someone had asked them to step outside before smoking. What many people fail to realize about the older generations is that they came from a different time, and were born in a different culture with different values. To some of them, taking a couple deep breaths of tobacco smoke to calm down was no different than someone taking a couple deep breaths of fresh air today. Or at the very least, the criticism for doing so was much less. The industries of then had so successfully imprinted upon them that smoking was acceptable as have the industries of now that a diamond ring is a must for a proper proposal. I am sure that his intent was not to do harm with his habit. And can you blame him for not changing with the times? It is hard to recognize that a new culture has settled in when you can still remember your old friends whom thought the same as you before time took them away. And to throw away one of your only ways of remembering them, I can only respect the sacrifice that he made in the interest of his progeny.

But on a more serious note, I hope that we can realize that "cancer" is not a single affliction but a blanket term for a collection of similar ailments. Having one type of cancer does not make you immune from getting another. And so, even if my map has given you cancer, I beg of you not to smoke, because brain cancer will not save you from lung cancer.
said Sep 24, 2014
this comment thread is as good as the map, 8/8
said Sep 24, 2014
said Sep 24, 2014
So salty up in here haha!
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 25, 2014
said Sep 24, 2014
said Sep 24, 2014
At first I was frustrated, but then, after playing the level for about 5 minutes, I was still frustrated.
edited Sep 24, 2014
said Sep 24, 2014
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
said Sep 24, 2014
said Sep 24, 2014
Why not?
said Sep 24, 2014
Please okay, some people actually want to have fun playing a map ok, ok?
said Sep 24, 2014
why though
said Sep 24, 2014
By request - see map title and description
said Sep 24, 2014
This is a great dome rema... no wait that's not right.
said Sep 24, 2014
shury wtf y u cheat on me no more kitsune chan 4 u
said Sep 24, 2014
map was only good when you go left.
said Sep 24, 2014
Map is too easy--make another one.
said Sep 24, 2014
Yes master
said Sep 24, 2014
Was thinking of posting a comment regarding you trying to trick me by saying to boost as hard as I can. I got to the end, saw that there was way to beat it, check the top record, felt anger swell up within me, good job :P, also, how do you make it so you win by doing nothing? I thought you had to kill something in order end it
said Sep 24, 2014
If you place a red flag without attaching anything to it, the game will end as soon as the red flag is loaded (open the level in the editor and you will find a red flag way off to the side)

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