
by Foxglove
created Sep 19, 2014
574 views | 652 downloads

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/ 7 votes

map notes
I tried to decorate more in this map. I hope you enjoy. Thank you Archmage, Tropicallo, VirgateSpy, Typhios for the help.
retagged Sep 30, 2014


Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 19, 2014
I'm playing this map, and immediately I am confronted by tiles that look like foreground but which I fall right through.  Maybe that's just me.  The tiles in the prison are kinda ugly, but look better in the underground part.  The underground part is much more fun and has some cool parts, but the camera has some real issues.  The big fall into the zetta slope is blind; I checked the cameras because I wondered why, and you actually make it MORE blind than it would be with normal cameras.  You use an interest node in the middle of the fall path, that holds the camera up higher (behind the player) before it can get to the node at the bottom of the slope.  I died when I first hit that part, and I would politely recommend learning more about the cameras before doing more big falls.  Other than that, I enjoyed it.
edited Sep 19, 2014
said Sep 19, 2014
I don't think tags really matter at this point.
said Sep 19, 2014
Yea... someone told me about those tiles so I put them in a background layer. I don't think many prisons look pretty... I'm still working on learning how to use the cameras, but ya I understand what you're saying. Maybe I'll try something different next.
said Sep 19, 2014
Other than the blind drop I liked this.
said Sep 19, 2014
Do you know who I can ask about this?
said Sep 19, 2014
Doughnation did a little tutorial on cameras just the other day. iirc you put a detach node at the top of the drop and the camera should follow the player down. Put a connect node at the bottom.
I never found the tiles visually confusing.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 19, 2014
+1.  Interest nodes are useful, learn them, but their scroll speed is kinda slow.  Detaching the camera and then using a connect node snaps it much faster than interest nodes in an unbroken path.  Both types can have their trigger radius adjusted , but connect nodes are best for falls.
said Sep 19, 2014
Thank you for the video link, that would be very beneficial. What is "iirc"?
said Sep 19, 2014
iirc, it means 'if I recall correctly'

edit: omg puns
said Sep 19, 2014
Connect nodes.. oh okay.. thank you.
edited Sep 19, 2014
said Sep 19, 2014
ahh okay.. thank you glass
said Sep 19, 2014
You spawn the player behind layer 20. Do not ever cover gameplay area with layer 20

Foreground tiles that look like background tiles

Paint cans seemingly to just make air control sections more annoying

Camera has blind drops, jerky movement. Just before the end has a lack of dust to indicate whether you go right or up and left

Slope boost/zetta slope into spikes

said Sep 19, 2014
In the beginning, right? I thought I fixed it and put it on layer 18. I had problems when I clicked on a layer and it showed on up a lower layer. I don't know why it kept doing that...

The end meaning the area before you go up out of the ground?

I think I need more help with testing..
said Sep 19, 2014 HMMM HOW WILL I EVER FIND MY CHARACTER. You need to be really eagle eyed to spot them with that troublesome layer 20. You should have no trouble with that being a raptor and all. I wonder if I should go up-left or right here? Truly it is a mystery with the camera so low and only the right path visible.
The zetta slide doesn't go into spikes. I have no idea where you got this from. It goes into a boost into a wall with an enemy in front of it.
How do paint cans make air control more annoying?
I will give you the blind drop.
said Sep 19, 2014
Everything Antinumeric said. But the Zetta Slope unfortunately does go into spikes, if you go really fast sometimes the ceiling throws you face in into the spikes instead of into the next slope. I don't know why that happens though.
said Sep 19, 2014
If given the option of seeing 100% of the character, or 40%. Then I will prefer 100% every single time, so will everyone else playing the map. It's a straight upgrade.

Watch my replay, after clearing the dust on the left  wall the camera is scrolled further up and left and SLOWLY scrolls right until a trashcan FINALLY comes onscreen. There is no dust on the ground to lead me right. Dust acts as breadcrumbs, here is a gap in the trail WITH the added problem of a janky camera

The zetta slide goes into spikes if going fast yes, that's also in my replay

Paint cans hit you, blobs dont. other than that they are the exact same. Except with a blob i dont have to arbitrarily wait for the paintcan to spray so i dont get hit. It makes the climb gameplay smoother.
said Sep 19, 2014
100% or 40% is a matter of opinion tbh. partial foregrounds can really add to the atmosphere of a level, here you are literally behind bars. It is in a non-critical part of the level being the start and no platforming involved.
That section at the end would only be confusing if you ignore any prior context, the opening is on the right, there is a ceiling slope boost leading right. and the previous camera only shows a right path. Besides you don't need to be spoon fed the route every single map.
Zetta slides into spikes, well I never travelled fast enough for it to happen. I doubt the person making the map had it happen to them. So its an oversight.
Paint cans can hit you? There is precisely one paint can you approach from beneath. You approach from an angle and everyones upheavy can hit it whilst not being hit. It isn't an issue. If it were some yotta spike column filled with them I might understand your point.
said Sep 20, 2014
If you're going through the level normally, there really isn't any chance to get hit by the cans at all.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 20, 2014
Look, just because some of Bird's complaints aren't quite as valid doesn't mean the camera one isn't.  The camera at the end is especially stupid, it absolutely trails up the left wall and highlights a platform and trees up there for no reason.  The camera trail is confusing and the interest nodes are quasi-random.
said Sep 20, 2014
I understand about the camera at the end... I went and looked back on what I did and forgot to lower the camera. It was up in a higher area because the ground where the car is located was originally higher.
said Sep 19, 2014
I liked the gameplay, tho i understand the criticisms said. Keep up the good work, and don't give up.
said Sep 19, 2014
Yea... I gotta get the camera thing down(and other things).. it's tricky. It is a challenge, but I like making maps.. and thank you for the encouragement.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 19, 2014
Why are people commenting about things that don't matter now? "tiles are ugly" "don't like the can of slime" "character slightly hidden by foreground layer" None of those things are a big deal and even though the character is hidden by foreground it does not hide dust there so there is absolutely no reason to even mention it except for preference which is not something important for a map.

Now, some critique: drops with three hit enemies can hitch up the flow in a level so I'd recommend against it, the camera could use a bit of work particularly in the drop to zetta slope but that's something you pick up with experience so don't worry about it too much. Nice looking level again as well.
said Sep 19, 2014
Can you explain your first critique a bit more? I don't quite understand what you mean. Yea.. I hope that video would help explain things a bit more.. I guess playing around with it is not enough for me. Thank you.. someone recommended asking you for advice on how to decorate maps and your maps are very creative and detailed.. I hope to get there someday.
edited Sep 19, 2014
said Sep 19, 2014
I noticed that the first time I tested, but since you can downdash dash and backheavy I thought it didn't hurt the flow of the level too much
said Sep 19, 2014
I think he means the two slimeballs you hit while falling down from the top left corner of the map, foxglove. Dont know why towelie said 3 enemies. And yeah, I think the top slimeball is a bit flow-killing, but like virgate said, the bottom enemy is fine. All in all a good map, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to more :)
edited Sep 19, 2014
said Sep 20, 2014
He meant enemies that take 3 hits. Not 3 enemies.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 20, 2014
^Enemies that take three hits is what I meant like glass said, should have made that a bit more clear.
said Sep 20, 2014
Ohh okay... thank you for the clarification.
said Sep 20, 2014
Really fun map, never had a problem with foreground/background at all. The only fairly minor things I noted was that it's kind of awkward to hit the blobs in the shaft downwards and that the camera at the end can trick you into getting hit. It's short and breezy enough that it doesn't matter that much, though. Cool.
said Sep 20, 2014
I agree... I watched a lot of the replays.. it does make things awkward. I think I'll do something different next time.
said Sep 20, 2014
it took me forever to beat this beast but you did make one hell of a map well done
i think shin it nit picking in the foreground/ background i mean i saw that with no problem.
said Sep 20, 2014
Thank you.. I'm glad you liked it despite the bad parts. I hope I get better though..

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