
by SubparFiddle
created Aug 26, 2014
700 views | 875 downloads

/ 25 votes

/ 14 votes


map notes
This is a map that is somewhat blue and somewhat purple.

edit: ouch, after watching some replays, I didn't realize how head ache inducing those all white fog filters could be if you don't hit them just right.  I like the effect, but I think I'll leave them off the next one :)
edited Aug 26, 2014


said Aug 26, 2014
Magnificent map, man.
said Aug 26, 2014
I've heard tales of a mapper named SubparFiddle but never thought I'd see his return. WB after your long hiatus :D

(note the shitty run on your map isnt because I dont like it, its because my controller is broken and I cant play, just ran through the map with only heavy attacks for kicks)
edited Aug 26, 2014
said Aug 26, 2014
Dig the map but there's a section of the map that turns white and my whole screen stays white for a quite awhile and I can't see anything. (Check my Pilfer run for reference)

Edit: I've since changed my run but it occurs at this point to the left of the platform . Also seems to be missing a death zone area here as I fell and have not died.
edited Aug 27, 2014
said Aug 27, 2014
my god senpai has returned
said Aug 27, 2014
Awesome map, love the visuals.
said Aug 27, 2014
That palette, oh. Like it.
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 27, 2014
Slippity slappity, I love this mappity.
said Aug 27, 2014
Very nice! I think you already commented about it, but yea that blind drop in combination with the white fog trigger was the only thing that I didn't like.
Sir Useless
said Aug 27, 2014
I enjoyed this map a lot! Very nice job :D

pls don't beat my time :P
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 27, 2014
Really cool map Fiddle, I really want to know how you did the preview picture. It looks like it's framed haha.
said Aug 27, 2014
delete the tiles around the middle section and put a black bg?
said Aug 27, 2014
Yeah, I like to go off to the side somewhere and create a little scene, set layer 20 to black, then frame it and take the level snapshot.  I think it gives my stuff that extra layer of professionalism :P

Just make sure you go back and delete any enemies you used in the frame before you upload...
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 27, 2014
Ah haha yeah your levels always look cool in the preview so I'm trying to figure out how to get something similar.
said Aug 27, 2014
I partially can't say much because I can't play well enough to really do this map on keyboard yet, and I don't feel like switching back to joypad, map visually looked great, looked like it played pretty well too.  There was some pretty severe visibility issues though, I honestly had no clue whether what was on blocks was dust or spikes without touching them.  The white blind drop hurt my eyes, and thanks to the checkpoint being right before it, I got to enjoy it again and again.  Also, when I got to the end, I didn't have a super, and it appeared that super finish was the only choice.
said Aug 27, 2014
Sorry about the premature vision loss, I really should've caught that before publishing...For some reason, though, I just can't stand the idea of reuploading after people have already played.  A lesson learned for next time, I suppose!
said Sep 3, 2014
Aight, played it now that I'm more practiced with keyboard.  I liked most of the level, beyond the white.
said Aug 27, 2014
Before I start, I gotta say I really feel kinda bad for saying this because it's clear there was so much work put into this map, but there's just so many things I see wrong about it that I can't ignore.

First of all the camera, it's way too zoomed out, like waaaay too much, most of the time, there shouldn't be a reason not to use more camera nodes to follow and direct the player from closer instead of just leaving it like that (and that's putting aside the issue of the map lagging for some people because of too much zoom out), it's okay to want to show your art in the map, and truly it is beautiful, but not when it compromises gameplay, this just makes things feel too stationary and dull most of the time and also makes everything seem too slow, which isn't a good thing in dustforce in my opinion

Second, the white flashes, I really see no reason for them being there instead of confusing and temporarily blinding people, it again gets in the way of the gameplay, and even more so since I can't really find a reason for them being there, you could make the white symbols glow in and out without having to add that in or maybe have some other kind of transition that wasn't so intrusive, I can't help much though since I really don't know what you were going for there.

"Three", there are three blind drops in this map, and okay 2 of then just land you on a perfectly flat platform, but one of them doesn't and I would be lying if I didn't say it was really annoying, (especially coupled with the zoomed out camera, white flash, and kinda weird placement of the platforms that made it hard to know where to go, it's actually the worst section of the level in my opinion) again, if you absolutely need to have blind drops in your map, make the punishment for the player "messing up" near to zero, a player should never die because he didn't know what to do after a blind drop, and really you can use cameras to actually focus on the section where the player will land so he can react if you can't avoid having the drop, but again the fact that you have 3 of them in the map makes me feel like you purposefully put them there, which is not a really good design choice i believe.

Those about sum up my major issue with the map, the others are more just personal ones (actually the dust and spikes are also kinda hard to see but that may just be me), but it's really sad, the camera takes away that really fast and dynamic flow that dustforce has, and the flashing and blind drops just made the experience a lot more frustrating than it should've been, it made it, a map that I could clearly see had beautiful art style and a lot of dedication put into it, way less enjoyable for me, and brought my rating down to 2/5.
said Aug 28, 2014
Don't feel bad, man.  It was just a couple hours relaxin' after work, not necessarily a labor of love.  I appreciate the criticism :)
said Sep 5, 2014
For some reason, this level reminds me of the Sonic games.

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