A walk to the library

by timelessgun
created Aug 13, 2014
416 views | 646 downloads

/ 10 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
So this is my second map and also the second upload .
it's refine for your liking and if you want to
 be my map tester plz comment or message me.


said Aug 13, 2014
Much better route! I like it. It could still do with a slope at the start to give you a speed boost but i like the new layout.
said Aug 13, 2014
thank you i forgot about that but i don't want to re uploaded sorry .
said Aug 13, 2014
I also like maps with little stories. And the any% route is fun.
said Aug 13, 2014
Awesome, I can see that you put a lot of work in the decorations, map looks really beautiful!
said Aug 13, 2014
could use some deathzones.  route was a little confusing and first playthrough i found 2-3 areas where i would just fall forever and have to restart
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 13, 2014
Yeah deathzones are your friend, or even just spike pits well below the normal view.  I've come to prefer that because I like the sound effect spikes make on death more than the awkward silence of death zones.
said Aug 13, 2014
oohhhh i for got about those note taken put death zone in places you i don't want you guy to go. ( like before a secret ಥ_ಥ
Sir Useless
said Aug 14, 2014
I like it! It is nice that you took a lot of time in to decorating the map :) If you want someone to test your maps like you stated in the map notes you can add me on steam :3
said Aug 14, 2014
or come ask the community to test your map here: http://client01.chat.mibbit.com/#dustforce@irc2.speedrunslive.com

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