Hidden Vista

by Probably not Towelie
created May 17, 2014
474 views | 766 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
You awaken at the bottom of a semi lit cave. You feel cool air rushing down from above and decide to investigate. As you emerge from the cave you find yourself in a beautiful valley. Wanting to get a better view you climb to the top of the mountain...

Oh yeah and thanks to Tinker and Superkid this time for testing it :)
edited Mar 19, 2018


said May 17, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said May 17, 2014
Wow that's so helpful, thanks Double.
said May 17, 2014

It's a very fun and pretty map, although the dust you have to heavy through the blocks near the end is a bit buggy and sometimes refuses to disappear.
said May 18, 2014
said May 18, 2014
The vacuum will never die.
said May 17, 2014
--beh ignore--

We offer a great friendly community with large walls, designed to keep kids out.

My only complaint about this map (beyond the kid path I found to deal with dust behind walls is bullshit) is that on the ramp with the checkpoint, when you approach it the first time, it's alot blinder then it could be, so the first time you take it, you often tend to not have enough momentum.

--edit also, if i stand on what I believe to be the checkpoint, and is the checkpoint, I see no reason why i shouldn't hit the checkpoint, something that happened on the second to last checkpoint many times.

--double edit, oh, i still can down heavy through the block, nevermind
edited May 18, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said May 17, 2014
Yeah I knew it was possible to clear the dust just not very easily with dustkid... eh I'll make a kid only map soon
said May 17, 2014
Nah it's not really even that bad, I just failed a couple of times to down heavy by doing it too early, and got the impression that it was too far to clear, so I went in between the walls, and then then jumped onto the top one, and then jorfed to get back up, got an SB using that route... it was a silly thing to do, but even that gave me some enjoyment.
Probably not Towelie
said May 17, 2014
Try it with dustman and you'll see why I made it that way haha
said May 18, 2014
Map is totally Dustkid-friendly in my opinion.
said May 18, 2014
Yeah, I agree, I just wasn't finding how to do it decently.  That's the difference between then and now.

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