Spike Climb

by Riokaii
created Mar 5, 2014
669 views | 745 downloads

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map notes
NOT JORF- It's just a spike-climb, You dash left, never gaining any height and still climb over without dieing, there is no possible way you are hitting the top edge of the tile. You are able to spike climb from the entire top-most tile you climb over, Don't call them Jorf climbs because they aren't jorfs.


said Mar 5, 2014
omfg you're so mad about the name, bird <3
Also, are you sure its the entire top tile? You're assuming your characters hitbox while in the air / wall climbing is the full 2 blocks high, something thats clearly not fair to assume after tera drops demonstrated that the hitbox is horizontally tiny ;P

Plus, if thats true then 1 tile high walls with spikes on them cant kill you.
EDIT: my instincts say that ^^^ isnt true, but i cant recall specific instances of maps with single tile high blocks that have spikes on them, so maybe they actually cant kill you.
edited Mar 5, 2014
said Mar 5, 2014
they can still kill you becasue it only works going left, and everything else you hitbox remains 2 tiles high, you could lower the ceiling to be 2 tiles above with spikes ontop and test if  you wanted. Yes i am sure its the entire top tile, you do not gain any height and it works. that means you are the floors height, which is 1 tile below. or the wall is 1 tile higher then where you are starting, so you climb up  the full 1 tile height before you climb over. Tera drops demonstrate that your hitbox is just BARELY smaller then 1 tile wide, this is because spikes do not stick out from the walls at all. Your character can move 1 pixel to the left and right and be fine, but 2 pixels left or righht and you will touch the walls and die
said Mar 5, 2014
Actually, you're character doesn't even have to be in the air for this to work. A few of my maps actually make this trick possible as well (as well as some I'm actually working on). You can even "lean" against a wall like this. http://puu.sh/7kmp1/44b6c27a19.jpg
This does not seem to work for the right wall though, only for the left wall.

You can actually use this trick to cheese a part in Giga Difficult for example http://puu.sh/7kmva/e5fe3e4f5c.jpg
said Mar 5, 2014
^awesome pic furkie, pretty much proves you are not jorfed on the top edge.

And yeah i pointed out giga, people still wanted to argue you were jorfing on the top edge >.>
said Mar 5, 2014
Interesting, furkie. But my question still stands, if you have a single tile high block floating in the air with spikes on its right side, can it COMPLETELY not kill you? I cant test cuz I'm at school

EDIT, as in, not just if you hit it with your character lined with its top at characters middle, like in this map. No matter how high or low you hit it, you should not die, if your explanation is correct
said Mar 5, 2014
it has to do with the character hitbox, if you hit it with the "lower half" aka the leg section of the hitbox, yeah it wont kill you. If you hit it with the torso section it will,
said Mar 5, 2014
It can still kill you.
said Mar 5, 2014
no it only works if the one tile high block is connected to the ground. one tile high blocks in the air kill you on all sides. you can still tipclimb aka jorfclimb aka spike climb them though.

my personal theory on this is that like how horizontal surfaces of spike-covered blocks have very small safe zones on their very edges (these are what you stand on when you jorf), vertical surfaces have safe zones as well. it is those safe zones on which your character's feet gain safe purchase for them to climb up.
said Mar 5, 2014
dont call them jorfclimbs i hate u </3 pls they are not jorfs and have ntohing to do with jorfs

What you are describing, the 1 pixel edge of  flat ground spieks u can stand on are called jorfs. You are most definitely not hitting that when you do the ledge climb. It would be like calling Spikejumps Jorfjumps, They have nothing to do with jorfs thats the entire reason i made this map.
said Mar 5, 2014
Does this answer your question? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXyfak9OuRA
edited Mar 5, 2014
said Mar 5, 2014
So then, they do extend into the top tile, and your characters lower left side just doesnt ever count as colliding with spikes. :P
said Mar 5, 2014
Voxanimus, then why doesnt this work going right?

EDIT: furkie, cant watch now, school internet is being slow as hell cuz I'm in a weird spot in the classroom
said Mar 5, 2014
looks to be the moment the top half hits the spikes u die, but the lower half never kills u
said Mar 5, 2014
yeah bird. Implying that your characters wall collision hitbox and your characters spike collision hitbox are different sizes for right-facing spikes, it seems to me. Any other explanations anyone can think of?
said Mar 5, 2014
i dont think the hitbox is different for right facing spikes, I think the hitbox is the same always. Right facing spikes on the lower left jsut never trigger it do to the way the hitbox is likely bugged/messed up there, I highly doubt your hitbox changes dynamically, it is much more likely that the hitbox is the same and other patterns of spikes may or may not also kill you i havnt tested them all.
said Mar 5, 2014
Pay attention to class instead of worrying about weird spike hitboxes.
said Mar 5, 2014
said Mar 5, 2014
This is the same concept as a jorf.. It's nothing new and has been done many times in many runs including Rock Climbing off the top of my head. Why is it not a jorf...!?
said Mar 5, 2014
literally read the comments, you have to climb a full 1 tile up in order to ger over the wall. Thats 1 full tile of height, a jorf on the top edge is not what causes this as you are not ever gaining height aside from the wall climb so it is immpossible for the wall climb to occur at the top edge of the ledge. If you did it would just ledge clip you anyways you wouldnt climb the ledge dont call it jorfs it has nothing to do with them I hate that other map it mis attributed it and now people think thats how it is when it most definitely isnt

Also it's nto meant to be original, neither is the other map. This is meant to show the other map is wrong
said Mar 5, 2014
said Mar 5, 2014
+1 and the other map did nothing but showcase that you can't do it on the right side, everyone already knew it was a jorf.
said Jun 22, 2015
I killed the prism the first time I played it and the level didn't end. 0/5 would not play again Kappa.

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