VR Ocean Suite V2

by Probably not Towelie
created Jan 29, 2014
470 views | 716 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
Another "VR" Map, figured I might make a map series all having the same theme so here is the next in the lineup. Enjoy.

To get the feeling I'm trying to convey, turn off all sound effects and leave music on at about 3/4 of its max.
edited Mar 19, 2018


said Jan 29, 2014
It's so much fun to fly with oldworth through this!
said Jan 29, 2014
I just love the flow... perfect !
said Jan 29, 2014
Dustworth in 1st on a Towelie map!? no way!
said Jan 29, 2014
Quick! Better make it so he can't finish the map without jorfing
Probably not Towelie
said Jan 29, 2014
I think I'll do that from now on actually. It's getting really annoying seeing people skip tons of the map with him.
said Jan 30, 2014
no love for the old man :-(
Probably not Towelie
said Jan 30, 2014
I'd be happy if he was faster simply because of his jumps and speed but people skip parts of the level to get the best time. What happened to just enjoying the level?
said Jan 30, 2014
One can't enjoy the level while trying to get the best time?
Probably not Towelie
said Jan 30, 2014
I don't see the point in skipping most of a level simply for the sake of a better time. That's just my view of the matter. Being someone who doesn't care about highscores or fastest times, I can't see the fun in setting a time only to see it beaten a few days later. It lost its fun very quickly when I used to care.
said Jun 20, 2023
Thanks for creating levels that surprise me.

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