by Giamma
created Nov 21, 2013
486 views | 827 downloads

/ 20 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
Sort of sequel of my previous map Composition.
Inspired/copied by this

Important tip: to finish the level it's required to hit the middle of the biggest square.
edited Nov 21, 2013


said Nov 21, 2013
I like the map but without reading the notes I was a bit confused about where the finish was because I supered off on the sides of the level and didn't hit anything.
edited Nov 21, 2013
said Nov 21, 2013
Yeah, sorry. I wanted that you can't see the enemies.
(also sorry for my english)
said Nov 21, 2013
I think for a small level like this it's ok.
said Nov 21, 2013
Really good map. Lots of fun :-)
said Nov 21, 2013
Thanks :)
Glad that you liked it
said Nov 21, 2013
Usually I'm really bad at this kind of map but I feel i did pretty good on this one :P
said Nov 21, 2013
Honestly I don't know the "time limit" of the map, I'm really curious.
I didn't see your replay yet, but I guess "pretty good" is sub 10  :D
said Nov 21, 2013
I think my start is good but im just bad...
said Nov 21, 2013
I tried to go sub 10 but I kept messing up near the end so i got frustrated and settled for 10,6
said Nov 21, 2013
Never mind xD
said Nov 21, 2013
Oh my god, please keep making these art-y levels <3
said Nov 21, 2013
Great map, slightly annoying that the dust on the left sides cant be slid on to destroy like the other sides can but obviously thats the game engines fault, not yours.

All in all 5 stars, had a ton of fun.
We need more creative maps like these that reward different styles of play besides standard air control maps and flow maps. :D
said Nov 21, 2013
Keep making these, so much fun.
said Nov 22, 2013
Thanks for comments aaand... ok I'll try to make more small maps :)

@Badger: good job!  <3

@Eklipz: I noticed this thing also in my previous map and yes it's really weird and the map would be better without it.
Maybe I can try to avoid to place dustblocks in the walls that you can't clean with slide.
However I was initially surprised that you can clean dustblocks on the other side of a wall °-°. Probably it's more weird this thing.
edited Nov 22, 2013
said Nov 22, 2013
yeah, I'm sure they didnt actually intend for that to be possible, so thats probably why it bugs when you're on the left side.

          >Maybe I can try to avoid to place dustblocks in the walls that you can't clean with slide.

no, I wouldnt change a thing, this level was absolutely awesome to route through and gave so much fun, plus it looks really pretty. If you were to get rid of the left dustblocks it wouldnt look as good, or have been as much fun ;D

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