
by StarFall
created Nov 21, 2013
559 views | 565 downloads

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map notes
So here is my next level... Medium-to-hard difficulty if you ask me. I think the gameplay is pretty viable on this one, but I guess it's not perfect. I hope you like it :) Every feedback is totally welcome! ENJOY !

 As a disclaimer: I can't SS my own levels :P

Re-uploaded to fix some mistakes and a blind drop


said Nov 21, 2013
i usually don't actually dislike many maps, but i'm pretty close with this one.

everything is way way way too dark. especially given the awkward, precision jumps required to clear many parts. the excessive variance in collision tile types makes it difficult to determine what one can stand on, at times.

many parts of the level feel excessively gimmicky, especially the dash off the wall after the drop right after the big area with the prisms.

i can see you worked to keep everything tighter and more compact, but you need to still put more effort into using triggers and tiles to highlight the routes the player should take. also, i think you should send your maps to someone for playtesting.
said Nov 21, 2013
I would be more than happy to help test maps.
edited Nov 21, 2013
said Nov 21, 2013
I didn't really see it that way to be honest(neither gimmicky nor too dark..maybe a little dark but not that much) ...after the drop I didn't really expect anyone would try to dash to the ceiling slides. it was designed for a jump and the spikes below indicate more or less where you should jump from. But yeah next map must be playtested. I'm gonna add you on steam Sivade... Really appreciate the offer !! :)
said Nov 21, 2013
sorry probably should've put a link to my profile in my comment
said Nov 21, 2013
I really liked the level again, but there were a couple spots I was a bit confused by when I first played it.

The jump in the first picture I was confused by because you have to super or get a ground boost to make it over to the next platform unless you jump off the very edge the platform to just barely make it over.

When I first played the level I just tried to stop and make the jump off the very edge of the platform to make it onto the next platform because I didn't realize you were supposed to super or that you would get the back by the time you needed it again.

The part in the 2nd picture I was confused by because it felt like you had to have an aircharge so I was trying to save my super for that point until I looked at a replay and realized you can just dash or jump onto the ceiling from the wall. Not sure why this one gave me trouble at first but I thought it might be worth mentioning.
said Nov 21, 2013
The first jump is sort of a combination of a Night Temple jump and a Hideout jump ( I think they are pretty remarkable) My original thought on it was that you should groundboost and then use your air-charge pretty close to the spikes and when you land on the last platform you just jump and hit the entity... The whole point of this was the same as night temple: the use of the air-charge on different heights... one close to the spikes and the second one higher to get that entity. However I noticed many people combo-ed... wasn't my thought but it works since you get the combo back up in the end ( almost up :/)

For the second one, I don't know what could I have done differently to lead you to the simple jump or dash. You have something in mind ?

Anyway thanks again for your thoughts! Glad you liked the level :)
said Nov 21, 2013
it's possible to hit the first jump without using a super, but it's very finicky. that's not the kind of difficulty you want in a map.

as for the second dash/jump thing, to make it clearer, you could put a wall-type enemy (porcupine, dusting maid/butler) on the ceiling, making easier for people to dash and hit the enemy and continue. if you want them to dash straight onto the ceiling, put the ceiling closer to the opposite wall.
said Nov 21, 2013
I thought the leaves (on the wall and on the ceiling) would be enough and do the job... but I guess it doesn't work the same for everyone
said Nov 21, 2013
I wanted to like it, but everything after the spaced out large prisms is just ridiculously finicky. The ending is just...why? You have to do all this incredibly difficult stuff then are greeted to suddenlytrashcan and you have to super -just- right or you'll miss dust in the lower bits. Ugh.
said Nov 22, 2013
I'll just work on something simpler next time.
said Nov 23, 2013
I liked most of it, but yeah, there's a bunch of particularly evil parts that could be improved upon. I had no problems with the visuals, though, and when it was good, it was great. Pretty cool.
said Nov 24, 2013
Glad you liked it ! :)

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