
by Furkiepurkie
created Nov 8, 2013
619 views | 815 downloads

/ 24 votes

/ 19 votes

map notes
No, I didn't forget to put checkpoints (not counting secrets). I'll probably get hated for it but I honestly don't think a short map like this needs any checkpoints, despite the difficulty of this map. I feel like putting checkpoints on a map like this will only be more annoying, considering there's not a single spot in here where you can actually stop, pretty much like Clocktower and Exa Difficult. I'm not gonna make extra platforms, just to throw in a couple of checkpoints here and there, even if that means adding "fake difficulty".

Thanks to EklipZ for helping out with the background. I didn't exactly went with our ideas and instead just decided to keep it simple.
retagged Nov 8, 2013


said Nov 8, 2013
that easter egg is pretty useful
said Nov 8, 2013
Challenging and fun :D
said Nov 8, 2013
fun to play and i like the simple colors as well :)
said Nov 8, 2013
Nice map i love it.

The jorf was too tempting i couldn't resist !
edited Nov 8, 2013
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 8, 2013
haha didn't know there was a non spiked surface under the last dustblock
said Nov 8, 2013
Super Administrator
How is this only 3 difficulty, it's super hard!
said Nov 9, 2013
life, i just watched your replay; it's way easier if you buffer your jumps. especially the beginning!
said Nov 8, 2013
I was pissed at this level but once you figure it out, it's some real fresh gameplay! A++ would buy from this seller again
said Nov 9, 2013
this is actually really fun! it's not as hard as it looks.
said Nov 9, 2013
It's hard.

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