Alpha Centauri

by Probably not Towelie
created Nov 1, 2013
556 views | 831 downloads

/ 24 votes

/ 16 votes

map notes
So this is my take on a galaxy level similar to several of Superkid's levels. Probably not as good but hey at least the name is good. You can change the colors on this one much easier than the map Kustomize, I imagine tera-drops probably suck after the 20th time trying.

Sorry to the people who just downloaded, I realized after watching someone's replay that its possible to fall forever and not respawn. So I fixed that.

Also, I have a challenge, try to go through all of the color changing stations and get an SS.
edited Mar 19, 2018


said Nov 1, 2013
fun map :)
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 1, 2013
Nobody likes my color changers :(
said Nov 1, 2013
i actually thought those platforms were just for checkpoints at first.
said Nov 1, 2013
Disco Centauri, aww yeah!
said Nov 1, 2013
Dustkid doesn't belong in space >:

EDIT: I take back what I said. I will now go to a corner and sit there in loneliness, thinking about how I betrayed the poor little girl, not having enough faith in her must have broken her heart. I am sorry...
edited Nov 1, 2013
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 1, 2013
He hasn't passed the NASA physical fitness test :/
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 1, 2013
Or is it a she?
said Nov 1, 2013
Where there's a kid, there's a way.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 1, 2013
Nice! I didn't know dustkid could make that second to last wall-run
said Nov 1, 2013
Wow I feel honored and the level is great!
But where are the planets? :-(
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 1, 2013
Yay! You went through all three! And I didn't know how to place them without getting in the way so I left them out :/
edited Nov 2, 2013
said Nov 1, 2013
The green to red one is pretty rough to keep the combo up. But I'll keep trying!
Mh maybe some with some dark colors the wouldnt be too annoying :-/
said Nov 1, 2013
All colours, SS :)

(If any of you folks wanna watch it, it's under AllColoursMagnet)
edited Nov 1, 2013
said Nov 1, 2013
yay me2 after ~200 trys +.+
said Nov 1, 2013
Yes keep doing things like this
said Nov 2, 2013
Please stop using deathzones other than for the outline of the map. I like seeing where I die when it's in the middle of the map for no reason what so ever.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 2, 2013
You wouldn't hit them if you stayed on track. Not sure why you'd want to fall all the way back down into another checkpoint.
said Nov 2, 2013
it restricts the paths on the way up too, that's the problem.
If you're going to use deathzones to restrict falling back down to an older checkpoint or whatever, it needs to have some kind of indication, or better yet, replaced with spikes, for the routing to not be infuriating.
I simply gave up on trying to get a good time on this map for SS because I died to random deathzones on the way up while routing.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 2, 2013
Ah Ok I see, like if you wanted to do a time run and skip the small wall. Alright, I'll try to keep that in mind for later levels
said Nov 3, 2013
it doesn't just interfere in any%, it interferes in SS as well.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 3, 2013
How so? Looking at your run it just looks like you fell off platforms or missed a jump. I tested it to see what  you'd have to do and you would only hit them if you tried skipping sections. Or if you just deliberately jumped into them, but that's not my problem if you do.
said Nov 3, 2013
my replay is just my first go through the map to see what the sections are, after that I started routing and finding shortcuts, and in 2 places there are shortcuts for dustworth while still collecting all the dust that are cut off or at least made much harder because of deathzones.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 3, 2013
You know, you could play the map the way I made it. Just a thought.
said Nov 3, 2013
I don't think you understand the point of this discussion.
You made a map.
When I play this game, I like finding routes to do the maps faster, when the map impedes my ability to do so I dislike that, and I put that in the map comments to see if I can get the mapmaker to reconsider putting the things that I disliked in the next map they create.

In a game where routing is such a huge part of the gameplay experience, you can't blame the player for trying to find shortcuts, so telling me to play the map the way you intended it to be played is pretty much a blank comment.

Just to clarify: I don't mind restriction of routes to force people along a route you intend, you're free to do that, it's just very annoying when it is done using a mechanic that is completely invisible and will just frustrate those that do try to find shortcuts because they will feel like they died for no apperant reason, which is why I initially suggested, and have suggested many times to maps with a similar problem, to replace the deathzones with spikes or some other indication of imminent death to prevent the infuriating deaths and have them be challenging features to route around in stead.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 3, 2013
Aha now I get it. Alright, if I want people to go a certain way I will use spikes so they can see the restrictions on the route. Thanks for the insight.
said Nov 3, 2013
Whoa, guys, calm down.

Marksel, you have a valid point, sure. But really, there's no reason to go all rage-y at Towelie, after all, this is a pretty small community and I don't think we want anybody hating anybody.

And yeah, Towelie, that comment was pretty meergh. If we all used the intended route on the standard levels, this game would be a lot less exciting :c

Errybody be happeh now!~
said Nov 3, 2013
must have missinterpreted what I said for rage, didn't intend to stirr up any bad blood, appologies if I did ^^ I tend to be rather straight forward about my dislikes which I guess can easily be interpreted as an angry comment =<
said Jul 13, 2014
Even being towelie's first map, it's still kickass.
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 13, 2014
Actually not my first map haha I just have made so many they dont show up on my profile, this is probably like my 30th map

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