
by c.C
created Aug 23, 2013
546 views | 806 downloads

/ 18 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
First map with fog triggers, be gentle.

Thank you Krankud and Tropicallo!


said Aug 23, 2013
Neat level, looks good and the flow is pretty nice!. Only thing I thought could use a small change was the color of the water. It blends in with the background a bit too much in my opinion. I had a really hard time making out what I could and couldn't step on and it would have made it a lot easier to figure out what is going on around me aesthetically.
said Aug 24, 2013
I thought the waterfalls would make it easier to see where you could step. I guess it didn't help much. D: I'll try not to blend layers too much again. Thanks for the feedback!
edited Aug 24, 2013
said Aug 24, 2013
Gah I've always wanted to make a beach level. I like the way you made the palm trees. Better than mine. Very pretty map. The water part did trip me up in the beginning and the tiny slopes were unforgiving but overall I liked it. :)
edited Aug 24, 2013
said Aug 24, 2013
If it makes you feel better, you inspired me to make it look pretty. I love your maps!
said Aug 24, 2013
Reminds me a little of Park in the way that it's not really hard, but it's hard to keep your combo without boosting right. Good stuff, looks great too.
said Aug 24, 2013
Thank you!
said Aug 24, 2013
This map has a really awesome idyllic feel. I've always wanted to make a level where the player walks on water! Relatedly, I'd like to nickname this map "Jesus Goes to the Beach."

seriously, though, good work. I echo Seight's comments about the sky/water disparity not being visually apparent enough, but everything else was perfect. good work with your triggers!
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 25, 2013
I love the beach theme but I hate the small ramps. It's awkward to land on the right spot, kinda sucks the fun out of a good run when you hit just on the other side of it and fall down.
said Aug 25, 2013
D: I'm sorry. I noticed a lot of people didn't like them. I'll remember not to make any annoying ramps from now on.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 25, 2013
All you really gotta do is put like... one extra block onto the beginning of it and it's miles better than before.

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