consruCTO 2 Remade

by Jvcpro
created Jun 2, 2013
510 views | 780 downloads

/ 24 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
Another map remake. Ez w/e your name is please no trolling...

Credits to cbrady14 on the original. This map i felt was way 2 awkward with the flow so i fixed it up a little more then other maps, however i still kept things very close to the original.


said Jun 2, 2013
Another excellent addition to your remade maps. You're doing a great service to the community by making many more playable maps, while keeping the author's creative originality. Keep it up man!
said Jun 2, 2013
this map sucked badly enough, you can't help by remaking it buddy
said Jun 2, 2013
You haven't even completed it.  How could you pass judgement on something you haven't seen?
said Jun 2, 2013
While I disagree with xx921Ezxx's negativity, he's kinda correct.  This map would require significant improvements from even this form to be anything I would ever actually want to play.  (and I did complete it).
said Jun 2, 2013
Although the original map is questionable, jvcpro is trying his best to bring out the potential in it. I agree with your point, but it isn't easy making maps like these while keeping the author's intent. Some players may have (maybe) enjoyed the original, but there were obvious problems with it. These remakes are made to fix them.
said Jun 2, 2013

Sure, and I do agree that this map needs more work.  I just think one should complete the content before complaining about it.
said Jun 2, 2013
Didn't play the original, but this seemed fine to me. /shrug
said Jun 2, 2013
Eh, it's just boring.
said Jun 2, 2013
I did a lot in all honesty. However, i wanted to keep it as similar to the original as possible. The point of these remakes was an attempt to give a feel for how the map SHOULD have felt, if it had been possible at all. They aren't meant to be good... they're meant to be the same map, except possible.
said Jun 2, 2013
why isn't there legal map/tag steal software yet
said Jun 2, 2013
'Cause the man won't allow it!
said Jun 2, 2013
i like these bad maps. it's refreshing.

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