Dustkid Path of Pain

by Nerphs
created May 10, 2013
890 views | 768 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
So sorry for the shitty camera, and reuploading. I really hope everything works well this time since I removed almost all of them. They weren't doing shit anyway. I'll get serious with them on the next map, shouldn't delay it anymore. Sincere apologies. (I also should start looking for help if I make another map like this. So hard to test...)
Only possible with Dustkid. This is hard hard hard, I think.
Made for Syena, because aparently the levels I make are so easy with Dustkid. Enjoy the pain.
I just hope everything's working fine. Really really hard to test this one.
I'll probably make another map for the first one to get SS, if any.
Fun fact: 5 checkpoints, and I only got halfway to the second one without dying.

We got a winner! Congratulations!
edited Sep 28, 2014


said May 10, 2013
i actually found a way to fix the camera and finished it with a C D 26.:53.340
said May 10, 2013
Trust me this make me feel sooooooo bad. :(
Well at least you found the surprise at the end.
said May 10, 2013
why feel bad? you could also add me on steam if you want for easier communication
said May 10, 2013
omg grinding this map for 15 mins cant even get through the spikemons l0l
said May 10, 2013
10/10 will not finish.

Heh, I don't think I'm qualified to give a quality score, but I will say this is harder than previous Dustkid maps, in that I could actually get past the beginning in those.  I know how to do it here, I think.  Just have trouble executing on it.
said May 10, 2013
still to easy for me i think. best secret in the world ! Made for Syena. Enjoy the pain.
said May 10, 2013
I'll have to make the next one harder then.
I don't think i can. Sorry. :]
said May 10, 2013
what is this monster
Probably not Towelie
said May 10, 2013
This is why I ragequit dustforce sometimes. Ive found the pitt of anger that dwells within me. I must conquer this.
said May 11, 2013
lost all my hope
said May 11, 2013
never give up ! i believe in you so dont give up. you can do it !
said May 11, 2013
i know why this traffic cone on the second top corner is so broken..
said Sep 19, 2014
after a 1year break i decided i gave you enough time for that new map ! http://puu.sh/bG3cg/eb3bc59099.jpg
said Jun 20, 2023
Your levels make the game even more rewarding.

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