
by voxanimus
created Apr 6, 2013
690 views | 873 downloads

/ 18 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
a prism hover type map inspired by Milkshake. white arrows indicate checkpoints. SSable by everyone, but dustworth is gonna have some probs. i think it's rather difficult, but after playtesting it infinity times i can't judge it objectively anymore.

yes, i know you can spikejump all over this map but doing so is not required for an SS.

there is one secret.

please, let me know what you liked or didn't like!

(murasaki means violet in japanese, and the character in the picture is read "murasaki.")
retagged Jun 8, 2014


said Apr 6, 2013
EDIT: Wow i hate zetta slopes, gg.
edited Apr 6, 2013
said Apr 6, 2013
I concur
said Apr 6, 2013
:( i thought that part of the map would be fun! i seriously considered adding a "Whee!" text trigger.

what'd you think of the rest?
said Apr 7, 2013
the map is very good, it's just gay to put dust at the tip of zetta slopes because it's easy to miss it. But the map itself is fun and fair.
said Apr 7, 2013
Yep, the tip is really annoying.  It incentivizes not getting a fast slope boost before it, since if you go too quick, you'll miss the first tile 100%, and its very difficult to tell if you miss the dust of not if you're going quickly (I ended up getting 2 or 3 a/s's not knowing what i missed before i did my EXTRA slow SS run). In that respect, it hurts the flow of the level.  Zetta slopes in general are also overused in custom maps too imo.  The rest of the map is very good though.
said Apr 7, 2013
ah i see what you mean. that's very true. i included the slope because i thought it would be the most efficient way to get up that section of the map ( i really wanted to loop back to the starting point). the dust placement is certainly problematic. in the future i shall not create homosexual zetta slopes. thanks for your feedback, both of you.
said Apr 6, 2013
said Apr 6, 2013
said Apr 6, 2013
said Apr 6, 2013
Google Translateをよく使ったね。
said Apr 6, 2013
on a more serious note, though, what'd you think? this is technically my first map (i have one i started before this but it's still not done), so i'd appreciate your feedback!
said Apr 6, 2013
I liked it! The fake floor at the bottom pissed me off the first time, but it's allowable since it's for effect. Not as hard as it looks, a nice balance of difficulty with an appealing palette.
said Apr 6, 2013
thank you! and i'm glad you recognized the aesthetic decision behind including it, haha. the text bubble there is supposed to sort of cryptically indicate the fact that the floor isn't real.

and thank you for appreciating the palette! purple is my favorite color hehe
said Apr 7, 2013
Is the secret getting to the map thumbnail? That was a bit sneaky. Spike jump all over the map... not necessary -for SS-
said Apr 7, 2013
hahah yes it is. and yes, spikejumping not necessary for *SS* :D
said Apr 7, 2013
Pretty intimidating level when you first look at it, but it actually has a pretty reasonable difficulty. Good stuff =).
said Apr 7, 2013
yay! that was the intention. i like levels that make me feel like a badass after i beat them, when in reality i'm actually not that badass. thank you for your feedback :D
said Apr 12, 2013
Pulled that off well. :D  Felt accomplished after finishing it, even if the final run took me 6 minutes. >.>

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