Surn Ver 2

by Spoon Pandemic
created Mar 21, 2013
460 views | 630 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
Let's try this again shall we?

Addressed issues raised in the comments of the first version. Hopefully everything is working how it should!

An adapted first level.


Probably not Towelie
said Mar 21, 2013
Wow! Those short notice changes really streamlined the level and made it flow very well. Great job!
Spoon Pandemic
said Mar 21, 2013
Cheers dude :) Glad I could somewhat redeem myself haha.
said Mar 21, 2013
this level is now much better, 4 stars from me !
said Mar 21, 2013
wow, i'm actually pretty amazed at how much of a difference the little changes made. this is way better. legit, bro.
said Mar 21, 2013
I am too, i was previously in the boat of "well i made a map, people downloaded it hours ago. ill just learn for the next one.  But with this and some other updates people have done, i think remakes of maps (sometimes, not always) can be good, and should be done sometimes
said Mar 21, 2013
definitely. there are a lot of maps that i've played that would have been fantastic if not for one little thing.

also, i don't know if i'm in the minority, but i've downloaded so many maps at this point that finding and playing any level that doesnt start with an A or a Z takes several minutes of frantic arrow-pressing (devs please make an update that lets me use my scroll-wheel).

instead, i usually go back to the atlas and just click "install and play." because of this, i always experience any updates that the mapmaker has made, and there's been a fair number of times i replayed a level and noticed some thoughtful updates. nothing as drastic as this, but it's happened before.

don't write off the relevancy of your updates just because most of the active atlas users have already downloaded your map. just a thought.
said Mar 21, 2013
I've probably played more custom maps than anyone else.  I have to delete ones that I don't plan on playing regularly, lol.
said Mar 21, 2013
fun map, like it a lot.

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