
by Cobalt
created Mar 9, 2013
906 views | 788 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
In contrast with my first map, I set out to make a shorter, simpler map with less decorations and easier jumps, and this was the result. It's my first attempt at a mansion-themed map, and also my first attempt at adding a secret area. (Which, I might add, isn't very well hidden--just a little hard to reach.)

Before this map, I hadn't really experimented with the camera nodes or dynamic triggers, either, so the sky and camera might be a little temperamental. I'd appreciate it if you let me know how it works out on your end.

Oh, and if this map seems familiar, it's probably because you've played a wonderful map called "Tower" by Marfinator. ( I can't say it was my inspiration because I was already done building this map when I came across his, but it's still a brilliantly crafted level and I recommend you try it out, especially if you're fond of vertical gameplay.


said Mar 9, 2013
Good stuff. It's lovely to look at and the world needs more climbing maps, and this has a great ending. I liked how you made it impossible (as far as I can tell) to get the super before the end, forcing you to go up instead of cheesing the flag from below. The use of dustblocks in this is great, too, although some areas felt a little too finicky for their own good. Trying for the any% is a lot of fun, too. Keep making these, they're great!
said Mar 9, 2013
Oh and don't worry about the originality thing - there's been a bunch of maps where you go up a tower, called tower, even while there is actually a stock map called tower. Towers are cool everyone likes them, we can never have enough.
said Mar 9, 2013
Thanks for giving it a go. I'm glad you liked it, and I'm absolutely ecstatic that someone noticed the effort I put into forcing the player to end on the top. I felt strongly that it would ruin the moment if they didn't, lol.
said Mar 9, 2013
Yeah, it would have!
said Mar 11, 2013
I guess I should've read this thread before I did my run... xD.
said Mar 9, 2013
Really awesome map!
said Mar 9, 2013
These types of maps remind me that I suck at dustworth.
said Mar 10, 2013
I really loved this map.
said Mar 10, 2013
I did get a very strong sense of deja vu playing this map. It is really is well done and decorated nicely too. I thing we need even more towers levels on the atlas, there can never be too many. Also, I like your one tag.
said Aug 17, 2013
reading "in loving memory" with 'dream salvage' playing in the background... so romantic lol
said Aug 17, 2013
Someone actually found it!! It's my first attempt at a secret area, so it wasn't well hidden, but I'm glad you liked it.
said Aug 19, 2013
never would've found it if i didn't fall from the east side of the tower ;p

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