city climb

by Damselfly
created Jan 19, 2013
331 views | 668 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
(I know the name is strange, I somehow wasn't able to change it, sorry :()

My first map. It took a good while to get used to the controls of the editor, it probably took me about an hour to realize that you could move the viewport around in the editor(as opposed to  moving it by playtesting.. :P). I've been working on this for around two weeks, enjoy!


said Jan 19, 2013
Nice job man! Hahah, yea the editor can be a pain when you are first trying that out :D. I like that you put all the small decorations in the map that is great and there are some really fun parts. Finding the secret room was pretty awesome :) Hmm, about the name, I think you should be able to change that in the Level Settings tab in the editor (before it's uploaded however)
said Jan 20, 2013
You have to remember to press enter after you type it in.  That bugged me for a while before I figured it out.
said Jan 19, 2013
You've decorated the map really well. It looks great!
The map design is good, but there are some parts where it's hard tell where I should be going. Besides that, no complaints really. I look forward to seeing more maps from you.
said Jan 21, 2013
Thanks for all the comments! I agree that there are places where it's not clear where you should be doing, I'll make sure to improve on that for my next map :p


A-ha! That must've been it, thank you!
said Jan 27, 2013
Beautiful work!
said Jan 28, 2013
Yeah, great map, especially for a first attempt!

I too found the secret room :D
said Feb 8
what the fuck
said Feb 8
i found a new feature to dislike with each extra playthrough

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