Afternoon Adventure

by yay899
created Jan 17, 2013
436 views | 715 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 7 votes

map notes
Embark on an afternoon adventure to an ancient temple.


said Jan 17, 2013
This rules - very fun, in both the time and complete runs, with loads of interesting strategies for the various areas. Great stuff, keep it up!
said Jan 17, 2013
Your time run was interesting. I never thought of using the area attack to take out the monster from the wall, I thought people would instead climb the wall. And as always your runs are a good ten seconds faster than mine.
said Jan 17, 2013
Super Administrator
I like my any% route, too bad my finish is bad.
said Jan 17, 2013
Right after the section where you enter the tower and do some small wall jumps, the camera gets kind of funky and you can't really see where you should be going for a while.
Also the sun is gray :U The entities are a little dark compared to the environment, too, but it's not much of a big deal. The rest of the level is well-decorated.
The map itself is actually quite good, you just need to fix that camera and maybe work with the fog filters a little.
said Jan 22, 2013
I love this map! short simple and fast.  Only complaint is the camera is finiky and got me killed.

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