Space Station

by yuecchi
created Dec 22, 2012
590 views | 770 downloads

/ 20 votes

/ 16 votes

map notes
The first map I actually decided to upload, incidentally this is the most difficult one I've made so far.
retagged Dec 22, 2012


The French Taunter
said Dec 22, 2012
Pretty tough! This is the first really difficult custom map I've stuck with until I got an SS. I messed up and had to waste my area attack before the end, oh well. Also kind of gave up on the part where you have to drop down and hit the polygon to stop before hitting the spikes.
said Dec 22, 2012
You're a beast!! I'm genuinely impressed to have woken up and already seen an SS for this. gj dude.

I sort of regret not making the slope dashing section slightly more fair, but other than that i'm happy with the stage.
said Dec 29, 2012
ez pz
said Dec 29, 2012
It's only because you used Dustworth!!

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