long way down

by dcbc3000
created Aug 23, 2024
189 views | 11 downloads

/ 6 votes

/ 2 votes

map notes
I thought of this when naegleria mentioned the troll apple juggle idea. What about just doing the drop (with the height reduced)? fall from the origin to clunk. Hit the apple to keep combo. Have fun (or not).

(worth and kid get terminal velocity increased to around the same as man girl to make things a little more fair)

I made the music again (It was actually made specifically for this map).
edited Aug 23, 2024


said Aug 23, 2024
for my money i think id like this a lot more if u got the ss just for falling for 5 hrs, that seems like punishment enough
said Aug 25, 2024
Thing is, this is the point. The map is *supposed* to be awful.

I saw naegleria come up with a terrible idea, and thought I should probably show why that is bad. so I made a slightly less bad map.

I really didn't want to face the possibility of a 200+ hr apple juggle map. The distances are way too far for even 'highest apple-juggle-able height and lowest ditto' to work (without physics changes).

So I came up with a way to out-troll a troll mapmaker. Sorry for that. Hopefully my bad map will stave off the creation of even worse maps in the near future.

Usually even my bad maps are attempts at making a good or at least mediocre map even if they fail at it. This isn't. This shows how much I have been holding back, lol.

I actually enjoyed afking for the SA on this map and the SS is really only meant for crazy players. The point of this map is that the drop should be punishment enough but it wasn't enough.

There's a reason for publishing this on a new alt account.

Thanks for the feedback by the way. I will make sure to not go quite so far when I make an intentionally bad map in the future.
said Aug 24, 2024
holy bad..... slish maps looking good about now
said Aug 25, 2024
Thanks, I was waiting for comments about how terrible the map is. Since alt's can vote, I actually added to the 1* spam on the map *because thats the point*.

Hope you at least enjoyed seeing something so awful that it makes other bad maps look good. I'm really grateful that I at least got comments on this awful POS map, and I hope people at least got something out of it.

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