Changing Perspective

by dcbc1000
created Mar 3, 2024
299 views | 3667 downloads

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map notes
Inspired by the flash game 'this is the only level'.
One short map section repeated 10 times with a different gimmick each time.
Tested mainly with worth as usual.

Reupload to add the manual teleport fix (prevents the game from crashing if you have super at the last teleport) and remove the no super workaround.

Forgot to mention that this uses the editable_teleport script by Skyhawk. Sorry.
This map also uses my zDirectionTrigger script but that isn't as important to call out since I coded it.

1: Nothing Special (Easy)
2: No Dashing Allowed (Easy)
3: Icy Platforms (Easy)
4: No Jumping Allowed (Medium)
5: Can't see shit (Easyish)
6: Pacifism (Easy)
7: Gotta Go Slow (Easyish)
8: Turbo Mode (Easy/Easyish)
9: Lack of Direction (Kinda Hard)
10: Clunky Finale (Easy/Easyish)
edited Mar 7, 2024


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