
by KalvinHobbez
created Nov 26, 2012
376 views | 536 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
Another level for my unofficial Dustforce world the School. While Hallways is ranked as a normal level, one you'd start off with in a world, I'd say the Restroom would be about a Silver key door rank. It's rather difficult but simply takes a bit of dedication for an SS rank. Though not as many secrets as Hallways there is one that is a bit hard to get to. May be easy to spot, just a challenge going through the path.


said Nov 27, 2012
The concept and design of the level is good but overall I feel like the map needs fine tuning in different areas. First of all some of the check points spawn you a lil bit above the ground which is annoying for runners. Placing checkpoints a tiny bit below the ground will always spawn the player perfectly. Next are the cameras. At times I felt like the camera wasn't keeping up with my movements and was a bit "delayed". Try setting up cameras in such a way that it will show players whats up ahead. Lastly, some of the slopes/tile placement were kinda weird and not intuitive, had to look at your run to see how its done. Despite all that I enjoyed the level and gonna SS it later!
said Nov 27, 2012
Thanks for the feedback! I did feel as if my levels could have had more added before I published them, but I felt as if it'd become "too good to use" syndrome in a way and I'd never release it. Thanks for pointing out the stuff I actually should have fixed myself. I did see that the checkpoints annoyingly kept spawning me slightly up, but I didn't know I had to literally put the flag into the block. Phew, that surely will help me out in future maps so I don't screw that up anymore, heh. Cameras are one thing I definitely need much more practice in for I'm just not yet comfortable with how they work. Can you explain where the slopes were a bit odd? I know of a few parts but I've truly noticed how just about everyone would play my maps differently so I'd want to know how you saw it. I'd bet those first two inward slopes needed help... And I was hoping people would see my runs for help. I don't expect people to do it exactly like me but I still try to do some basic runs, though not perfect, of my idea on how it's done.
said Nov 27, 2012
I personally hate camera work when doing maps, I have problems with it too, its all about trial and error. I am sure you will get used it to though.
As for the "weird" parts, I specifically mean that one slope after you leave the "sewers" that leads to the ceiling slide. Normally I would just dash into the ceiling or hold the up button after the slope but in your case you have to jump before the slope ends to get the ceiling run. I am not saying its a bad thing but its different from what you would normally expect.

Another thing I noticed is spike placement, I don't remember if its this map but sometimes spikes are placed directly next to dust giving you a small window to maneuver. If that was your intention then its fine [to up the difficulty] but usually you want to leave some space for players.

But yeah keep up the good work.
said Nov 27, 2012
It was hard not to add in the camera changing, though. When it came to the large jump after the ceiling slide (going back up it a second time) and the last pipeline section it would have been much better using the cameras...but I just can't seem to utilize them correctly.

I actually tried to go for different stuff, but if it goes against logically thinking then yeah I should have changed that. It seemed to work alright so far, wasn't a major set back for people.

Ah yeah I was a bit spike happy. Though I don't remember placing dust next to spikes so close. I actually tried to avoid that, namely in the Locker Room because of how many spikes it has. I bet I did miss some areas, though.

Thanks, I'll be working on some more school levels soon. I've had names planned out already for levels. Since every official world had a fighting level (Wild Den, Alleyway, Storage Room, and Containment), I might as well have one too. I will enjoy trying it out because it'll be the "Janitor's Closet". Fighting stages I was never a fan of yet it'd be interesting to try and make one.
Spooky McSpook
said Nov 29, 2012
Found a "hole in the world":
When you jump through that wall, you fall into infinity. You probs forgot the wall part on Layer 19, there.
Other than that, very nice map, very detailed and lots of work on the decorations. It's a bit hard to distinguish the difference between layers 19 and 20 at the brown-ish backgrounds parts, but overall enjoyed it.
said Nov 29, 2012
Oh my now that's a big mistake! Good thing the level does not require you to go there. Funny that my indistinguishable layers mistake resulted in myself not noticing there was no ground there.What do you mean by 19 and 20, though? the only time I used 20 was for the pseudo-water parts. Thanks for the compliment on the scenery, though! I wanted to try to make some nice water effects but it got a bit awkward to make it fluent, I just made do.
Spooky McSpook
said Nov 29, 2012
mental mistake there, has nothing to do with 20 >.<
Should be 17/19, my bad. I have a weird perception of color though, so if no one else had the same problem, you can safely ignore that :I
said Nov 29, 2012
Could be the monitor as well. Some monitor's are set to be brighter than others or something. None the less I've gotten that said to me before, background colors looking too similar and confusing the player. My future levels will most likely have more defined backgrounds unique from the foreground and solid layer. :3
said Dec 31, 2020
said Jun 26, 2023
Thanks for creating levels that fascinated me.

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