F Barksalot II Fixed

by mister__simon
created Nov 15, 2021
348 views | 3252 downloads

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Ok... This is the final reupload.
I promise. :eyes:

- Fixed end trigger
- Fixed Doggo AI (will now try to run right on deaggro)
- Fewer softlocks!
- (There is still one very obvious softlock... But it's fairly unlikely to happen...)
- Added ambience
- Added music
- Now with more art
- More bufwa
- More bullet points

It's just you and your bud Federico Barkaslot II.

Original idea was to do co-op with a dustworth that followed you around attacking enemies.
That didn't work out too well, so instead you're walking your doggo home instead.
He's a bit less mobile, but still has a good time zoomin about and such.


Spent way too long dealing with the script for this, published late and there are definitely still problems. I hope it works well enough haaaaaaaaa.

Thanks to HGT for the doggo name.
Thanks to Zaik for fixing the doggo name.

edited Nov 15, 2021


said Nov 15, 2021
i softlocked
said Nov 16, 2021
****Fewer**** softlocks... That's the best I can do apparently.
said Nov 17, 2021
I softlocked a bunch of times in that pit clip place, if you ever make a sequel i recommend trying the zips i used in wolf force, they're incredibly safe for most monsters.
said Nov 21, 2021
That's a very good idea, cheers. I didn't even consider the other types of zips!
said Nov 16, 2021

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