Subterranean Vane

by HolyKau
created May 8, 2021
332 views | 529 downloads

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/ 2 votes

map notes
Reuploaded with a slightly better any% camera.

Dustforce Custom League Week 2 map for team Okay Broomer. The theme this week was to have the ending at 1 o clock from the start so we decided on a Tunnels-like path so that it isn't just straight up climbing.

Thanks to all the broomers who made this happen!

Gameplay: Kau, fimbz
Camera: Kau, fimbz
Art/Decoration: BigDiesel, Kau
Visual Theme Idea: Big Diesel
Script from last week: Skyhawk
Moving the script to this week's map: fireball
Playtesting with Dustworth: Calistus
edited May 8, 2021


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