banana peace

by hgt
created Jan 16, 2021
323 views | 330 downloads

/ 2 votes

/ 2 votes

banana kid

map notes
This one is a little bit harder on the eyes since I played around with color schemes more


said Jan 16, 2021
Miles I am ready for you to shit talk the visibility
said Jan 16, 2021
Didn’t know it was considered shit talk to say layer 19 was hard to see. Next time I won’t even bother commenting on your maps
said Jan 16, 2021
Miles, I am sorry, most of your criticisms are completely fair and shit talk really is not the way to describe it. However, most people were mentioning that immediately and I realized that you had a trend of pointing similar things out, I do try to listen to feedback, and the words "Shit talk" were an impulse decision.
said Jan 17, 2021
first try SS.
said Jan 17, 2021
very good
said Jan 17, 2021
The parts that had actual gameplay felt fine. I would try and include less "dead" space. This is much more prevelant in virutal maps due to the lack of props. I would also try and mess around with cameras to limit the the blind drop. One could easily miss the block in the bottom left if they fell in the wrong spot.

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