Back Alley

by C
created Sep 12, 2020
414 views | 420 downloads

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map notes
I am a slave to Atlas.


said Sep 12, 2020
Decently fun.  I like how a bunch of random blocks on a few layers makes a background that looks really nice lol.  The camera design of the map was really cool.  I like how it was a single screen for 90% of the level, then you get force noded to the super area, and climb back up on a final path.
said Sep 18, 2020
top part looked impssobile, can't be arsed to look at replay

also lack of cocks.
said Jan 14, 2021
I had one run get past the drop on the left, died to the super because i felt like I had little time to react. I could get past the top very rarely and when I did the trashcan on left felt jank. Overall i felt enemies were too close and janky for spacing. Sad to say I Never completed it.

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